例句 |
He is an obsessive workaholic who never stops thinking about his job.他是对工作着魔的工作狂,从未停止思考他的工作。We managed to restrain the bedevilled men but it was no less difficult to control oneself.我们设法强行制住那着魔的人,但是控制住自己同样不容易。You gradually fall under the spell and get drawn in deeper and deeper.你会渐渐着魔,越陷越深。She was ranting and raving like she was possessed.她又是狂吼乱叫,又是胡言乱语,好像是着魔了似的。He's loopy.他有点着魔了。She works obsessively, often for weeks at a time.她着魔般地工作,常常一连几个星期不停歇。 |