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词汇 穷小子
例句 It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.它讲述了一个有抱负的穷小子努力出人头地的故事。Born a poor boy in Kansas, he lived the American dream as a successful inventor.一个出身于堪萨斯州的穷小子,他实现了美国梦,成了一名成功的发明家。He's just a poor country boy who made good in the city.他只是一个在城里发家的乡下穷小子When he started he was just a poor boy from the hood - now he's a multimillionaire.他刚起步时只是一个从贫民区来的穷小子——如今他已是个千万富翁了。His biography tells the story of a poor boy who grew up to be a millionaire and lived happily ever after.他的传记讲述了一个穷小子成长为百万富翁并从此过上了幸福生活的故事。The poor lad was not prepossessing. His features were rough-hewn and his movements awkward.这个穷小子不讨人喜欢。他长相粗陋,笨手笨脚。




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