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词汇 穷人
例句 The party's policy is to reduce the burden of taxation on the poor.该党的政策是减轻穷人的纳税负担。He is famous for his bounty to the poor.他因对穷人慷慨相助而出名。There are problems getting food and money to the needy.把钱和食物送到穷人手中还有些困难。The poor always suffer worst in a recession.经济衰退时,穷人遭到的打击总是最大。There has been a modest improvement/recovery in housing conditions for the poor.穷人的住房条件有了些许改善。They chose to investigate reasons for the preponderance of large families among the poor and ill-educated.他们选择了调查穷人和受教育程度低下的人群中大家庭占多数的原因。This is a system in which the rich are cared for and the poor are left to suffer.在这种制度之下,富人备受关照而穷人却受苦受难。The rich spend more than the poor on VATable goods.富人花费在需付增值税商品上的钱要比穷人多。The church has a commitment to helping the poor.教会承诺帮助穷人She sympathized with these poor people because of the way she herself had suffered.她同情这些穷人,因为她自己受过苦。The rich get richer and the poor get the shaft.富人变得更富,而穷人上当受骗。She has always shown a genuine/deep concern for the poor.她总是对穷人表现出真诚/深切的关爱。Seemingly, there is one rule for the rich and another for the poor.很显然,对富人用一套法则,对穷人则用另一套。She has cared for the poor with selfless devotion.她一直无私奉献,关心穷人She preached the Christian gospel to the poor and destitute.她向穷人和赤贫者宣扬基督的福音。There is a moral intuition that the better-off should give to the worse-off.道德直觉认为富人应当对穷人有所给予。His ministry is among the poor.他是穷人的牧师。He performs charitable work to help the poor.他做慈善工作帮助穷人The rise in living costs struck the poor people of the country.生活费用的上涨使国内的穷人遭殃。He devoted his life/time to helping the poor. = He devoted himself to helping the poor. 他一生都致力于帮助穷人The church program provides food and clothing for the needy.这项教会计划为穷人提供食物和衣服。The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.穷人住在昏暗的朽烂的房子里。It's outrageous that the poor should pay such high taxes.穷人要缴纳如此高的税款,很不公正。Such a system penalized the poor.这种制度妨碍了穷人的利益。She devoted her life to helping the poor.她毕生致力于帮助穷人Poor people have to suffer a lot of red tape to get welfare.穷人必须忍受一大堆繁琐的手续才能申请到社会福利。Government policies have resulted in a decimation of essential services used by the poor.政府施行的政策大大减少了可供穷人享受的基本公共服务。They weep crocodile tears for the poor, but do nothing to help.他们为穷人洒下伪善的眼泪,却没有给予任何帮助。The workhouse was seen as an asylum for the poor.济贫院被视为穷人的庇护所。The center does research with the aim of improving the lives of poor Americans.该中心从事研究,以改善美国穷人的生活。They tried to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor.他们试图通过牺牲穷人利益来使自己致富。The proceeds from the sale go to help needy people in the area.此次义卖的收入用来帮助该地区的穷人Children constitute four out of every ten poor people in the United States.美国每十个穷人中就有四个是儿童。The poor and disadvantaged will, regrettably, be the ones to suffer as a result of the new law.遗憾的是,穷人和弱势群体将成为新法律的牺牲品。Their proposals do not add up to any real help for the poor.他们的建议没给穷人带来任何实质性帮助。The problems of the poor are largely invisible.穷人的问题大多不受重视。The poor and uneducated did worst under these reforms.穷人和未受过良好教育的人在这些改革中表现最差。There are legitimate disagreements about the best way to help the poor.关于救助穷人的最佳方式存在合理的反对意见。He passionately championed the poor.他满腔热情地捍卫穷人的利益。The government of the time placed responsibility for the poor on the Church.该时期的政府让教会承担关怀穷人的责任。




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