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例句 The conservative parties live in a never-never land where top-quality services always go with low taxes.在保守党生活的乌托邦里,高质量的服务总是伴随着低税收。Her hips were swaying seductively in time to the music.伴随着音乐的节奏卖弄风情地扭着屁股。His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.他的行动伴随着一串冗长含糊的独白。The memory of that will live with me for many years to come.对那件事的记忆会在未来许多年伴随着我。The music throbs with a Caribbean beat.音乐的律动伴随着加勒比风情的节拍。The date was seared in his memory with self-reproach and anguish.这个日子伴随着自责和痛苦深深烙在他的记忆里。This gesture is often accompanied by a yawn or a stretch.这一姿势通常伴随着打哈欠或是伸懒腰。He entered to the accompaniment of loud cheers.伴随着欢呼声,他走了进来。Large-scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.大型工业是伴随着技术的发展逐渐兴起的。Death came quickly and agonizingly.死亡迅速降临,伴随着剧烈的疼痛。His paintings had become more impressionistic as his eyesight dimmed.伴随着他视力的下降,他的画作变得更富印象派风格。With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.伴随着低沉的隆隆声,螺旋桨开始旋转起来。With urbanisation the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened.伴随着城市化的推进,贫富间的对立情绪也加剧了。Even when someone has been found innocent of a crime, the stigma often remains.一个人即使已经被证明无罪,但是耻辱往往会一直伴随着他。Alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together.酗酒往往伴随着饮食紊乱。Dust was an increasing problem as the wind fretted the land.伴随着风对地面的不断侵蚀,沙尘问题变得愈发突出。The car roared down the drive with a screech of tyres.伴随着轮胎发出的尖锐刺耳的声音,汽车沿着车道疾驰而去。Half a dozen couples were twirling about to a waltz.有六对舞伴随着华尔兹舞曲在快速旋转。The stray dog attached itself to me all the way.那只野狗一路伴随着我。With a loud screech, she smashed the plate against the wall.伴随着一声尖叫,她把碟子砸向墙壁摔得粉碎。The bishop was welcomed to the church with a peal of bells.伴随着响亮的钟声,主教被迎进教堂。The usual hoopla surrounded the arrival of the pop star.流行歌星的到来伴随着惯常的喧闹声。The storm was accompanied by northerly winds.暴雨伴随着北风。Fireworks were let off across the city as the victors rejoiced.烟花伴随着胜利者的喜悦在全城绽放。His career as a writer was played out against a background of alcoholism.酗酒一直伴随着他的写作生涯。Low rates of unemployment are often accompanied by high inflation.低失业率常常伴随着高通货膨胀。




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