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词汇 估计
例句 It's more of a guess than an estimate.与其说是估计,不如说是猜测。This realization of our dreams surpassed even our wildest expectations.我们梦想的实现甚至超越了我们最大胆的估计His estimate for painting the kitchen seems way off base.他对粉刷厨房的费用估计似乎完全错了。The manufacturers will not make precise estimates.制造商不会作出精确的估计The Council is expected to endorse the committee's recommendations.估计地方议会将赞同委员会的提议。They reckoned he was a hatchet man, out to shred the workforce and crush the union.他们估计他是上司派来的刽子手,专门对工人大开杀戒,大肆镇压工会。It is time to make a realistic assessment of the danger.该是对危险作出实际估计的时候了。First of all, we ought to get our temporary advantage into some kind of perspective.首先,对于我们的暂时优势应当有某种恰当的估计She's far too canny to keep her money in this country. She's got it safely hidden away in Switzerland, I expect.她很精明,才不会把钱存在这个国家呢。我估计她把钱安全地存放在瑞士了。The initial estimate has been revised upwards.最初的估计已被修改提高了。Estimates have been deliberately pitched on the conservative side.有意作了保守的估计Some estimates put the number of deaths at several hundred.有人估计死亡人数为几百人。It is difficult to assess the heaviness of the load simply by eye.仅凭肉眼很难估计负载的重量。This estimate may have to be adjusted downwards / downward.这一估计数字也许得往下调。In fact, the first group were absolutely correct in their estimation of this man's height.事实上,第一组人对这名男子身高的估计完全正确。At the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage.损毁程度目前还很难估计I trust you like coffee.估计你喜欢咖啡。I'd say she was in her late sixties.估计她快七十岁了。Labor leaders figured that given the political mood of the time, Truman was the best candidate.工人领袖估计以当时的政治气氛看,杜鲁门是最佳候选人。This is a safe estimate.这是个有把握的估计Flight times in the brochure are based on our best estimate, and will be confirmed as soon as possible.小册子里的航班时间是尽可能准确的估计,会尽快得到确认。We were hanging on for dear life. We were expecting to be closed down any day.我们正拼命地坚持着。我们估计随时有可能会关门大吉。Some scientists estimate that at least one third of the life forms that exist in deep oceans have not yet been discovered.有些科学家估计,深海中至少有三分之一的生物尚未被发现。The performance is expected to last for approximately 3 hours.这场演出估计约三小时左右。I make the distance ten miles.这段距离我估计是十英里。He accurately gauged the mood of the voters.他对选民的情绪做了准确的估计We're expecting a full house tonight.今天晚上我们估计会满座。She carefully assessed the situation.她仔细地估计了一下形势。The total cost was far higher than we had expected.总成本比我们原来估计的要高得多。They put the figure in the hundreds.他们估计数字在数百之谱。His assessment of the situation was quite thorough.他对形势的估计相当全面。UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border.联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上就位。He allocated me a batch of work which I estimated to be about two weeks' worth.他分配给我一批任务,我估计大约有两个星期的工作量。I don't know what their decision will be, but my bet is that they'll approve the project. 我不知道他们将如何决定,但我估计他们会批准这个项目。They estimated the distance at/as about three miles.他们估计距离大约为三英里。I've never had a girlfriend more than a couple of months - I guess I'm just unlucky in love.我交女朋友从不超过几个月—我估计我就是没有爱情的运气。At this remove it is difficult to estimate what the total value of the estate was.隔了这么久,很难估计这些地产的总价值。I think I judged the distance wrongly.我想我错误地估计了距离。His assessment of the situation is based on sheer emotion, not reason.他对局势的估计纯粹是基于情感,而不是基于理性。I figured if we gave in to them this time, they'd be back for another fight.估计如果我们这一次向他们屈服,他们还会回来找我们再战。




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