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例句 He treats us all like his lackeys.他把我们当作可任由他差遣的跟班。His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted.他母亲很溺爱他,任由他想干什么就干什么。He closed the door behind him, leaving her cruelly defenceless against his bitter attack.他关上门,任由她对他的毒打毫无反抗能力,十分残酷。She let the pieces of paper fall to the floor like confetti.任由纸片像五彩纸屑一样落到地上。He locked them in a room and left them to starve.他把他们锁在一间屋子里,任由他们挨饿。The government has allowed the present economic crisis to get completely out of control.政府任由目前的经济危机完全失去控制。The company is charged with polluting the River Mersey by allowing crude oil to enter the river.该公司因任由其原油流入默西河对其造成污染而遭检控。In retrospect, we should never have allowed that to happen.现在回想起来,我们当时真不应该任由那事发生。Crops can be all too easily decimated by unchecked depredations by deer.任由鹿糟蹋会很容易把庄稼都毁了。Some services cannot be left to the market.有些公共事业不能任由市场调节。He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.任由咖啡渍在杯子内壁形成一层薄层。He allows himself to be governed by his emotions.任由自己受情感支配。Grace allowed her mind to wander to other things.格雷丝任由自己的思绪游移到别的事情上。In some countries food is left to rot, while in others people are dying from hunger.在有些国家人们任由食物腐坏,而在另一些国家人们却死于饥饿。I dread them coming here because they let their kids run riot.我害怕他们到访,因为他们任由孩子胡闹。You shouldn't let your husband treat you like that.你不应该任由你丈夫那样对待你。Some of the early explorers thought of the local people as benighted savages who could be exploited.一些早期的开发者认为当地人愚昧无知未开化,完全可以任由他们剥削。Leaving them all stunned, she walked out of the bar.她走出了酒吧,任由他们惊得目瞪口呆。He wouldn't stand by and let his pet project be destroyed.他不会袖手旁观任由自己看好的项目毁于一旦的。He won't allow himself to fail.他不会任由自己失败的。If disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die.如果受到惊扰,鸟可能会弃巢而去,留下雏鸟,任由它们死亡。The city is letting useful housing stand empty.这个城市正任由可使用的住房闲置。He was cruelly neglected by his parents.父母狠心地任由他无人照顾。With no way to control the ship, we were at the mercy of the sea.由于没有办法控制我们的船,我们只好任由大海摆布了。We can't just let them make these accusations against us. We need to fight back!我们不能任由他们横加指责。我们需要反击!The conductor kept the bus empty, leaving would-be riders standing at the stop.售票员让公共汽车空着,任由要想上车的乘客站在车站上。He alleges that the orphanages have allowed children to die from medical neglect.他指控孤儿院不让儿童就医,任由他们生病死亡。Tears fell freely from her eyes.任由泪水夺眶而出。They allowed the piece to evolve organically in collaboration with the dancers.他们任由乐曲随着舞者的动作自然展开。No one may call himself mature if he bears grudges or allows hatred to fester within.如果心怀怨恨或是任由仇恨在内心郁积,那就不能自称是成熟之人。With blind obedience, I allowed Victor to organize my life.我盲目顺从,任由维克托来安排我的生活。I wasn't going to let him bully me.我可不打算任由他欺负。He allows his children to run wild.任由孩子们乱跑乱闹,不加管束。They've let the house go to rack and ruin.他们任由房子破败。He does whatever she wants. He's putty in her hands.他做她想让他做的任何事,任由她摆布。The world can no longer stand aside and allow this threat to grow.全世界不能再袖手旁观,任由这样的威胁发展下去。She left them to shift for themselves. 任由他们自谋生路。Radford sometimes allows his enthusiasm to run away with him.雷德福有时会任由自己热情澎湃。Don't let them shove you around. You've got to stand up for your rights.任由他们摆布,你应该奋起维护自己的权利。The Emperor must realize that he has us at his mercy.皇帝必须意识到我们任由他处置。




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