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词汇 深刻
例句 It was a simple enough gesture, but symbolically important.这只是一个非常简单的举动,却寓意深刻She impressed everyone with her businesslike manner.她那种务实的态度给大家留下了深刻的印象。We were very impressed by the standard of work.工作水准之高给我们留下了深刻的印象。The movement is deeply divided and lacks clear leadership.这次运动存在深刻的分歧,从而缺乏清晰明确的领导。After/On mature reflection, he concluded that he had been mistaken.深刻思考后,他推断出自己被人误解了。Everyone was knocked out by his suggestion. 他的建议给每个人都留下了深刻的好印象。It was her first time on TV, but she came across very well.那是她第一次上电视,但给大家留下了深刻的印象。The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory.天空中穹顶与尖塔的轮廓深深刻在了我的记忆中。She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the Irish conflict.她从来没有真正认识到爱尔兰矛盾的深刻和激烈。Joan was struck quite forcibly by the silence.那种静默给琼留下了深刻的印象。And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.我所祈求的是:你会更加热爱知识,并且见解更加深刻Cordell had an impressive grasp of military issues.科德尔对军事问题有着深刻的理解。I have to say I was impressed.我得说我印象很深刻We were impressed by her crisp, businesslike manner.她干练、高效的风格给我们留下了深刻的印象。His theory provides a remarkable insight into the nature of the constitution.他的理论使人们对宪法的本质有了深刻的理解。He has some very deep thoughts on the issue.他对这个问题有一些很深刻的见解。The car, with its sleek futuristic styling, certainly looks impressive.这辆汽车优美圆润的未来派风格给人印象十分深刻She has a basic/better/deep understanding of the process.她对这一过程有基本/更好/深刻的了解。We're glad if our music makes a strong impression, even if it's a negative one.如果我们的音乐能给人留下深刻的印象,哪怕是负面的印象,我们都会很高兴。I thought him a curiously impressive person.我认为他是个给人印象特别深刻的人。She was a great inspiration. She was the person who impressed us with the importance of research.她极大地激励着我们,是她使我们深刻认识到研究的重要性。Her books are a mixture of playfulness and profundity.她写的书既富趣味又不失深刻Critics were impressed by the movie's earthy realism.电影直白的现实主义给评论家们留下了深刻的印象。This is a book full of profound, original and challenging insights.这本书充满了深刻、新颖、令人深思的见解。His elegant piece of reasoning impressed me deeply.他简要明确的论证给我留下深刻的印象。Listening to the interview, I was impressed by the subtlety of the questions.听了采访之后,提问之巧妙给我留下了深刻的印象。A deep respect for the truth had been ingrained in the child.尊重真理的深刻信念已深深扎根在这小孩的心中。The film's authenticity of detail has impressed critics.电影在细节上的真实性给影评人士留下了深刻的印象。Alan Howard has been impressive in "Henry IV' at the National Theatre.艾伦·霍华德在国家剧院上演的《亨利四世》中的表演给人留下了深刻的印象。The article discusses the theory in depth.文章深刻论述了这一理论。The Hamburg weekly is surely unsurpassed for its intellectual range and quality.在汉堡出版的这份周刊视野广博,见解深刻,品质卓绝。I was impressed by the clearness of his explanation.他的解释清楚明白,给我留下了深刻的印象。His understanding of Chinese philosophy is greater than any Westerner's I've met.比起我所认识的所有西方人,他对中国哲学的理解要深刻得多。The compression and density make this a difficult book to read, but it richly rewards the effort.这本书内容丰富,思想深刻,很难读懂,但是非常值得一读。This topic requires a lot of deep thinking.这个课题需要进行大量的深刻思考。After much soul-searching, he decided it was wrong to vote in the elections.经过深刻的内省之后,他认定参加选举投票是错误的。I'm not overimpressed with him.他没有给我留下太深刻的印象。She was struck by the sameness of the houses.这些房子全都一模一样,给她留下了深刻的印象。She saw the artist as a unique individual, possessing a heightened awareness of reality.她认为这位艺术家十分独特,对现实有着深刻的洞察。They're written as adventure stories. They're not intended to be deep.它们是作为历险故事来写的,并没打算追求深刻




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