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词汇 用钱
例句 He seemed to believe one could buy oneself a clear conscience.他似乎认为用钱就可以求得心安。Marsha has always been mean with her money.玛莎用钱一向很小气。Spend your money carefully and avoid these extravagances.谨慎用钱,避免这些铺张浪费之举。We must use money sensibly, not to parade our wealth or to moan about how poverty-stricken we are.我们必须理智地用钱,既不要炫耀财富,也不要抱怨我们有多贫困。My grandfather used to give my grandmother housekeeping each week.我祖父过去每星期都给我祖母家用钱After the death of his stingy wife, Bill loosened up a great deal.比尔在吝啬的妻子死后用钱大方多了。He was desperate for money so he hocked his watch to a pawnbroker.他急需用钱,所以把手表典当给了当铺老板。Peace and honour could not be estimated in dollars.和平和荣誉不能用钱来计算。The old lady is very cautious with money.那位老太太用钱很谨慎。He is very flush with his money.用钱大手大脚。Jackie disdained the servants that her millions could buy.杰姬鄙视那些她用钱就可以收买的奴仆。Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much.考虑到自己挣得不多,我用钱通常比较精打细算,这也是迫不得已。He's really mean with money.他在用钱方面很抠门。She was desperate for money, but she would not descend to asking her friends for help.她急需用钱,但她绝不会降低身份去向朋友们求助。You should spend your money carefully and avoid extravagance.用钱要慎重,避免浪费。He's too careful with his money, he never buys a drink for anyone.用钱太吝啬了,从不给别人买饮料。I know we all need to be careful with our money, but some people carry it too far!我知道我们用钱必须精打细算,但有些人做得太过分了!I have to be careful with money, given that I don't earn much.考虑到我赚得不多,我用钱必须精打细算。The family is willing to pay ransom for his release.这家人愿意用钱将他赎回。Her husband spent the housekeeping money on gambling.她丈夫把家用钱拿去赌博了。She spent all the housekeeping money on a new coat.她把家用钱全用来买新衣了。They spun us a story about being in desperate need of money.他们编了个瞎话,说他们急需用钱I was brought up to spend money carefully and save as much as I could.我从小被教导用钱要谨慎,并要尽量多存钱。She needed money, so she asked her friend for a loan.她需要用钱,就向朋友借了款。




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