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词汇 用铅笔
例句 Kids had been jabbing him with pencils.孩子们一直在用铅笔戳他。Her pencil tapped out a staccato rhythm on the desk top.用铅笔断断续续地敲着桌面。Someone had ringed all the important landmarks on the map in pencil.有人用铅笔把地图上所有重要地标都圈了出来。He penciled some notes on a piece of paper.用铅笔在一张纸上做了些笔记。The contract must be signed with a pen, not a pencil.这合同一定要用钢笔而不用铅笔签字。The artist works in two media/mediums, pencil and watercolor.这位画家用铅笔和水彩两种材料创作。He was tapping the desk with a pencil.用铅笔轻轻敲着桌子。The last item on the list was added in pencil.单子上的最后一项是用铅笔加上去的。Notes in pencil had been rubbed out.用铅笔作的笔记被擦掉了。If you spot any mistakes in the article just mark them with a pencil.如果你发现文章中有错误,请用铅笔标出来。Tina accidentally stabbed herself with her pencil.蒂娜不小心用铅笔戳着自己了。Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil.用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。He pencilled a note to Joseph Daniels.用铅笔给约瑟夫·丹尼尔斯写了个便条。He had written her a note in pencil.用铅笔给她写了个便条。The revisions can now be inked in.用铅笔修改的字句现在可用墨水笔描上了。The small bridge on the painting was no more than a few strokes of a pencil.画中的小桥只用铅笔寥寥涂几笔即成。She had scribbled his name in pencil.用铅笔草草地把他的名字记了下来。Use pencil to draw the diagram.用铅笔来绘制图表。He made marks with a pencil.用铅笔做了记号。Use a pencil instead of a pen so you can erase your mistakes.用铅笔,不要用钢笔,以便能擦掉错误。Students should ring the correct answers in pencil.学生们应该用铅笔将正确的答案圈出。He was tapping a pencil on the desk.用铅笔轻轻敲着桌子。Helga wrote her comments neatly in pencil .赫尔加用铅笔工工整整地写上自己的评语。He was nervously drumming a pencil on the desk.他不安地用铅笔敲着桌子。The child loves to scribble with a pencil.这孩子喜欢用铅笔乱涂。She pencilled a diagram on the napkin.用铅笔在餐巾纸上画图表。




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