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词汇 今天下午
例句 The Rams cruised to their sixth successive win this afternoon.公羊队今天下午轻松获得六连胜。The President will make a statement to the press this afternoon.今天下午总统要向媒体发表一份声明。The weatherman said it will rain later this afternoon.气象员预报今天下午晚些时候会下雨。The temperature dropped below freezing this afternoon.今天下午温度降到了零度以下。I won't be able to keep my appointment for this afternoon.今天下午我恐怕不能守约了。We reckon to be finished by this afternoon.我们希望今天下午完成任务。I will have to cancel this afternoon's class - I'm sorry it's such short notice.我将不得不取消今天下午的课——非常抱歉临时通知大家。The President will see you this afternoon.今天下午总统将接见你。I crashed out on the sofa this afternoon.今天下午我在沙发上睡着了。There were a few sprinkles this afternoon, but the sun was shining through it all.今天下午下了几阵小雨,但是一直有太阳。Doctor Lalor won't be at the surgery this afternoon, but she's on call until midnight.今天下午莱勒医生不在诊所,但午夜之前她随叫随到。I think it will rain this afternoon, but my brother thinks otherwise.我认为今天下午会下雨,但是我的兄弟却不这样想。I think we'd all agree that you turned your negotiating skills to very good account in this afternoon's meeting.我想我们都得承认,今天下午的会议上,你把你的谈判才能发挥得淋漓尽致。I'll talk to Mario this afternoon.今天下午我要和马里奥谈谈。Let's go on the water this afternoon.今天下午我们去划船吧。I'm not taking any more calls this afternoon.今天下午我不再接听任何电话了。All the local forecasters are predicting rain for this afternoon.当地所有的气象预报员都预报今天下午有雨。I have a whole pile of work to do this afternoon.今天下午有一大堆工作要做。Mary will keep an eye on the kids this afternoon.玛丽今天下午会照看孩子。There's a meeting at 2.30 this afternoon.今天下午两点半有个会。We had better take advantage of the warmer weather by going for a walk this afternoon.我们最好乘着天气比较暖和,今天下午出去散散步。We need to meet with Elaine this afternoon but I'm having trouble fixing a time.我们得在今天下午跟伊莱恩见个面,可是在安排时间方面我有点麻烦。I'll do some painting this afternoon.今天下午我要画画。I can't be arsed to go shopping this afternoon.我懒得今天下午去商店买东西。We're going into town this afternoon.我们今天下午要去闹市区。I had a lovely time this afternoon.今天下午过得很愉快。They have another period of science this afternoon.他们今天下午还有一节自然科学课。It's games this afternoon.今天下午上体育课。I have to go to a meeting this afternoon.今天下午我得参加一个会议。We have two people coming to view the house this afternoon.今天下午有两个人要来看房。The system will be off-line for about an hour this afternoon.今天下午,系统会有约一个小时处于脱机状态。A courier will deliver the photo this afternoon.信使今天下午将送来相片。There's a free band concert in Reid Park this afternoon.今天下午在里德公园内有一场免费的乐队音乐会。I'd be glad to watch the kids for you this afternoon.今天下午我很乐意为你照看孩子。Scattered showers are expected this afternoon.预计今天下午有零星阵雨。Do you have any hot tips for this afternoon's race?今天下午的比赛你拿得准谁会获胜吗?You would not believe who I met this afternoon!你都不会相信我今天下午遇到了谁!I just wanted to ask you if you're free this afternoon.我只是想问你今天下午有没有空。She will be setting the agenda for this afternoon's meeting.今天下午的会议日程将由她来安排。Emergency talks will take place this afternoon.紧急会谈将在今天下午召开。




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