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词汇 敌方
例句 The enemy strongholds fell one after another.敌方据点相继被攻克。Airborne troops can leapfrog enemy concentrations and hit from the rear.空降部队可以避开敌方的兵力集结点而从敌后发起攻击。The enemy is so desirous of peace that he will agree to any terms.敌方急欲求和,什么条件都会答应。The armoured forces will be exploiting a breakthrough and rapidly overrunning the enemy seaboard.装甲部队将利用一次突破,向敌方的沿海地区长驱直入。The soldiers began shooting away at the enemy positions.战士们开始不停地向敌方阵地射击。They were entering hostile territory.他们正挺进敌方领地。They can cause revolts in enemy provinces by fermenting unrest.通过挑起骚动,他们可以在敌方省份制造叛乱。Our boffins finally broke the enemy's code!我们的研究人员终于破解了敌方的密码!The maps were in the hands of the enemy. 地图掌握在敌方手里。The General received a warning of the coming attack.将军接到了敌方即将发起进攻的警告。It was this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief.是这个步枪射手打死了敌方的总司令。The bombers were flying over enemy territory.轰炸机正在飞越敌方领空。It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes.从这可以避开敌方鱼雷区对敌人发动进攻。The government has made/issued a declaration of war on/against its enemies.政府向敌方宣战。The Russians called for reinforcements from other garrisons while engaging the enemy in truce negotiations.俄国人一边与敌方进行休战谈判,一边请求其他守军增援。German artillery pounded enemy positions.德国大炮猛烈轰击敌方阵地。The plane was brought down behind enemy lines.飞机被击落在敌方境内。A group of soldiers were delivered up to the enemy at the border.在边界上一群士兵被移交给了敌方We've obtained secret intelligence about enemy plans.我们获得了关于敌方计划的秘密情报。They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side.他们虚晃一招,然后集中兵力攻打敌方最坚固的阵线。Our plan is to hit the enemy before they can hit us.我们的计划是在敌方攻击我方之前攻击敌人。They rigged the enemy base with explosives.他们在敌方基地秘密安放了炸药。The mechanized cavalry charged the hostile fort.机械化骑兵部队猛攻敌方要塞。He was sent to Eritrea to reconnoitre the enemy position.他曾被派往厄立特里亚侦察敌方阵地。Our troops attacked the enemy with a great deal of dash.我军极其勇猛地进攻敌方Wray was filmed passing money to an enemy agent.雷被拍下来正在把钱交给一名敌方特工。The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.敌方总是会占据熟悉崎岖地形的优势。Enemy radio chatter indicated the plane was carrying weapons.敌方无线电台的颤振声表明该飞机载有武器。Government agents have been monitoring the enemy's radio communications.政府特工一直在监听敌方的无线电通信。Submarines were used to sink the enemy's supply ships.潜艇曾被用来击沉敌方的补给船。US planes clashed with enemy fighter aircraft again today.美国飞机今天又与敌方战斗机发生了冲突。The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic.舰队穿过敌方水域行驶了几千英里来到大西洋会师。They are seeking a first-strike capability that would knock out the enemy's nuclear force in a surprise attack.他们谋求能在突然袭击中一举摧毁敌方核力量的第一次打击能力。The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本应与舰队共同行动,突袭敌方海岸。The planes are fitted with a device that absorbs enemy radar signals.飞机上安装了一个吸收敌方雷达信号的装置。The railway line had been sabotaged by enemy commandos.铁路已被敌方的突击队员破坏了。The six enemy cavalry scouts had vanished.六名敌方骑兵侦察兵早已经消失了。Missiles have been launched from their pads deep in enemy territory.导弹已从敌方阵地纵深处的发射台发射。Enemy searchlights raked the sea.敌方的探照灯横扫海面。The vanguard was sent ahead to clear the woods of enemy snipers.先头部队被派到前面去清除森林中的敌方狙击手。




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