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The door was opened by a servant in livery.门由一个穿制服的仆人打开了。I am your true servant.我是您忠实的仆人。His faithful servant was turned off without a penny.他分文不给地辞掉了他忠实的仆人。There were plenty of servants to wait on her.有很多仆人服侍她。The man and his master could not cotton together.这仆人和他的主人相处不好。The servant announced Mr. and Mrs. Hunter.仆人通报汉特夫妇驾到。Dozens of servants had catered to his every whim.几十个仆人迎合他所有稀奇古怪的念头。Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired.她的仆人们穿着虽然没有她那么显摆,却也是同样考究。Servants scurried around him.仆人们围着他跑前跑后。She acts as if she owns the place and we're her servants.她的举止就好像她是这地方的主人,我们都是她的仆人。A number of polite and unobtrusive menials fetched and carried.许多礼貌而谦恭的仆人听候差遣。He treated me like a skivvy.他对待我就像对待干粗活的仆人一样。He entered the queen's service.他成了女王的一个仆人。One of the waiting servants deftly caught him as he fell.他快要跌倒时,其中一个在旁服侍的仆人眼疾手快地扶住了他。The two servants witnessed Mr. Smith's will.两个仆人在史密斯先生的遗嘱上签名作证。The old servant fulfilled his master's charge to care for the children.老仆人按照主人的吩咐照料小孩。He travelled with a huge retinue of servants.他带着一大群仆人旅行。An army of servants waited on the general's household.一大帮仆人侍候着将军一家。The servants helped to divest the king of his royal garments.仆人们为国王脱去朝服。The servant tried to gauge his master's mood.那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。He waved the servants out of the tent.他挥手让仆人们退到帐篷外。The servant brought a glass of water, which I downed in a single mouthful.仆人拿来一杯水,我一口把它喝完了。He waved the servant out of his room.他挥手叫仆人离开房间。No servants around the house — you'll have to eat my cooking.家里没雇仆人,你只得吃我煮的东西了。She couldn't lift a spoon without a servant anticipating her wants and getting it for her.要是没有仆人事先想她所想并为她准备妥当,她连汤匙也举不起来。We can't afford to have a servant to live in.我们雇不起一个住宿在我们家里的仆人。He thrashed the poor servant with his stick.他用手杖一个劲儿地打那个可怜的仆人。He watched the servants scurrying silently to and fro.他看着仆人们一声不吭地来回疾走。My man will show you to your room.仆人会带你去你的房间。She trusted the servant in the mistaken belief that he was honest.她误认为仆人老实而信任他。The king gave his servant rich garments and added thereto a bag of gold.国王给他的仆人华丽的衣服,此外再加金币一袋。Don't expect me to come running every time you want something. I'm not your servant.别指望每次你一要东西我就会跑来。我不是你的仆人。He had a number of servants in his employ.他雇了几个仆人替他干活。The servant stole the jewels but rigged the theft so that it seemed that a burglar had done it.那仆人偷了宝石首饰,但预先做了手脚把窃案伪造成系由撬窃贼所为。Ministers are called the servants of God.牧师被称为上帝的仆人。She was attended by servants in splendid livery and powdered wigs.她由穿着华丽制服、头戴扑粉假发的仆人们伺候着。The servant left without notice.这仆人不辞而别。He dismissed the servant after the guests were ushered in.引进客人后,他吩咐仆人退出。Servants were carrying lighted torches.仆人们举着点燃的火把。African-Americans were often typecast as servants, entertainers or criminals.非裔美国人经常被指定扮演仆人、笑星或罪犯的角色。 |