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词汇 仁慈
例句 Primo de Rivera himself was a benevolent and sincere paternalist.普里莫·德里韦拉本人是个仁慈而真诚的家长式人物。Life has been very kind to me.生活待我一向仁慈Being a good boss requires a fine balance between kindness and authority.做一个好老板需要在仁慈与权威之间找到微妙的平衡。He was kind and affectionate, but very serious.仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃。In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced: male and female, strength and compassion, severity and mercy.在他身上,生命的两面性达到了调和与平衡:阳刚和阴柔、强悍和怜悯,还有严厉和仁慈Above all, I'd say I value kindness.我认为仁慈是最重要的(情操)。The king's benevolence was known throughout the land.这位国王的宽厚仁慈名扬天下。She was known to all for her kindness.她的仁慈人人皆知。Bertha was kindness personified.伯莎是仁慈的化身。A merciful man is merciful to his beast.仁慈的人对待其牲畜也是仁慈的。Kindness is one of her attributes.仁慈是她的特性之一。She's always had a kindly feeling towards them. = She always had kindly feelings towards them.她对他们总是怀着仁慈之心。Fate has been kind to me.命运对我一直很仁慈She has a generous heart/spirit.她有一颗仁慈的心。Death came as a merciful release.死亡成为一种仁慈的解脱。He became less merciful to his enemies.他对敌人不再那么仁慈了。The company is run by a benevolent despot.这家公司由一位仁慈的掌门人经营。The passing of the years has been kind to Dan. He looks like a man of half his age.岁月对丹很仁慈,他看起来只有他年龄的一半大。He was a benevolent old man and wouldn't hurt a fly.他是个仁慈的老人,连一只苍蝇都不愿伤害。I pray you to show mercy to the child.我恳请你对这孩子仁慈一点。The old woman had a benevolent feeling towards all cats.那个老太太对所有的猫都怀有仁慈之心。In this state, with hundreds on death row, mercy is a rare commodity.在这个国家,数以百计的人关在死牢里,仁慈成了稀罕之物。He preached/delivered/gave a sermon on the importance of kindness.他做了一次布道,传播仁慈的重要性。Sparing him was a merciful act.饶恕了他是仁慈之举。Cruelty and kindness are contraries.残酷与仁慈是对立面。She was endlessly kind and sympathetic.她无比仁慈,富有同情心。He was struck all of a heap when he heard of their generosity to him.听到他们对他如此慷慨仁慈,他给搞糊涂了。Her Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth仁慈的伊丽莎白女王陛下 Pray sir, I seek your gracious pardon.求求您先生,我请求您仁慈的原谅。He is the generous Lord, the gracious, the Hearer, the Near-at-Hand, the Compassionate, the Merciful.他是慷慨的主,仁慈宽厚,耐心聆听,近在咫尺,心存怜悯,慈悲为怀。It was a mercifully quick end for those condemned to die.对于那些死刑犯来说,这是一种仁慈的快速解脱。He has shown some negative kindness to me.他对我的仁慈是带恩赐意味的。Oh, kind and gracious king, we beseech you to set us free!啊,仁慈宽厚的国王,恳求你放了我们吧!He is the very embodiment of kindness.他正是仁慈的化身。Loosely speaking, parents can be categorized into three groups: prescriptive, lenient and inconsistent parents.概括地讲,父母可以分为三种:说一不二型、宽厚仁慈型和反复无常型。The Goddess is both beneficent and cruel.这位女神既有仁慈也有残忍的一面。




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