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词汇 人数
例句 The official number of people carrying the AIDS virus is low.官方公布的艾滋病病毒携带者人数并不多。A promise was given to double the number of police on duty.已有承诺要将执勤的警察人数加倍。The virus's death toll is expected to rise.这种病毒的致死人数预计还会增加。Unemployment undoubtedly increases the number of those tempted into crime.失业问题毫无疑问使犯罪人数增加。Bonus payments to top officials cost the taxpayer millions of pounds each year.每年支付给高层官员的奖金花去了纳税人数百万英镑。A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the U.S.经济发展停滞不前,加之青少年人数激增,可能是美国犯罪率上升的部分原因。His troops were hopelessly outnumbered.他的军队在人数上大大少于敌军。Industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.工业化不可避免地导致了城市工薪阶层人数的增长。The workforce has been reduced by half.职工人数已减少一半。There weren't as many people at the meeting as we had hoped.参加会议的人数没有我们期望的那么多。The chorus suffered slightly from a paucity of male voices.合唱队男声人数偏少。There was a sudden increase in immigration from Europe.来自欧洲的移民人数突然增加。Visitor numbers are strictly controlled.对来访人数严格控制。I was surprised by how many people were there.那里的人数让我感到意外。Figures released last week put the number of people infected with HIV at over 30,000.上周公布的数字显示艾滋病病毒感染的人数超过了三万。The number of college applications is on the decrease. 申请读大学的人数在减少。Poor families suffer disproportionately from asthma.贫困家庭患上哮喘病的人数更多。Doctors are disturbed by the rocketing numbers of young smokers.青少年吸烟人数的迅猛增长令医生们不安。With audiences in the US falling for the first time in a generation, Hollywood is girding itself for recession.随着美国的电影观众人数在二三十年里首次下跌,好莱坞正在为萧条期做好准备。The program is aimed at reducing obesity among women.该计划旨在减少女性肥胖症患者的人数The hospital has reduced staffing to an absolute minimum.医院已经将职工人数减到不能再减了。The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.结婚人数的减少由于同居人数的增加而得以弥补。International rules stipulate the number of foreign entrants.国际规则规定了外国参赛者的人数The Spanish were hopelessly outnumbered in the battle.西班牙人在战斗中的人数处于绝对劣势。Spending cuts will mean fewer social workers.削减开支意味着社会工作者人数要减少。Women make up only a small proportion of the prison population.女性只占囚犯人数的一小部分。The island boasts the highest number of tourists in the area.该岛引以为荣的是拥有该地区最多的游客人数Election officials predict they'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state.选举官员预测他们将在华盛顿州创下非大选年投票人数的新纪录。The attendance figures for this year's festival were rather disappointing.今年节日出席的人数让人相当失望。The number of people who catch chickenpox remains the same all year round.全年感染水痘的人数基本持平。The unexpected surge of voters to the polls has surprised even opposition parties.投票人数出乎意料的激增甚至使反对党都大感吃惊。There has been a drop in visa applications.申请签证的人数下降了。Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.只有这样才能凑足参与人数We employ far fewer staff in comparison with similar-sized companies.与同等规模的公司相比,我们雇用的员工人数要少得多。The need for blood donors trumps all other concerns.献血人数不足比其他问题更为严重。They outnumbered us five to one.他们的人数是我们的五倍。The demand to see her work is much greater than expected.想要参观她作品的人数大大超出了预期。The recession has forced a lot of companies to cut down on graduate recruitment.经济衰退迫使很多公司减少毕业生的招聘人数Ordinary Americans are beginning the heart-breaking task of counting their dead.美国的平民开始了统计死难者人数这令人心碎的工作。Sherry drinkers far outnumber whisky drinkers.喝雪利酒的人数远远超过喝威士忌的人。




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