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These stocks will earn money; it's a sure thing.那些股票稳赚的。The president's re-election is now far from a sure thing.总统能否再次当选还远不能肯定。Lack of funds can be a drawback if you want to invest in a sure thing.如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金短缺会是个障碍。It's a sure thing that they'll win. 他们肯定会赢。I told my friends it was a sure thing, and they bet every last penny on that horse of yours.我告诉朋友肯定会赢的,于是他们把所有钱都押在你那匹马上。This proposal is by no means a sure thing.这个提议根本不能说十拿九稳。 |