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词汇 人家
例句 She dishes out advice to anyone who'll listen.只要有人听,她就没完没了地向人家提建议。You're such a scrounger - buy your own cigarettes!你就知道问人家要—一自己去买香烟吧!The recorder next door is a great trial to us.隔壁人家那台录音机响得实在让我们受不了。I was on the horns of a dilemma when I was offered another job.人家又给了我一个工作,我不由得进退两难。If you are not going to help, at least don't get in the way!如果你不愿帮忙,至少别妨碍人家!This drug is wanted bitter bad, sir.先生,这药人家急着要用呢。Three-quarters of the people in this row have mice.这条街上四分之三的人家有老鼠。I have rented the house out to a very nice family.我把房子出租给了一户很好的人家She was always making bitchy comments about people's clothes and make-up.她老是对人家的穿着打扮说尖酸刻薄的话。The question took him by surprise.他没想到人家会问这个问题。He was given to enunciating proverbs.他老爱给人家讲解谚语。She eked out a miserable living as a washer woman.她靠给人家洗衣服来勉强维持生计。I didn't ask for the championship, I was pitched into it.我并不想当冠军,是人家赶我这鸭子上架的。The victory was handed to us on a plate.这场胜利是人家拱手相送的。He has a thin skin and doesn't take kidding very well.他脸皮薄,人家跟他开玩笑容易动气。The family lived in a deplorable slum.那户人家住在肮脏的贫民窟。You don't want to convey the impression that there's anything illegal going on.你总不会想让人家觉得有什么违法活动在进行吧。The book chronicles the travails of a rural California family.这本书记录了加州农村一户人家的艰辛。We grew up two doors apart. 我们一起长大,两家中间只隔着一户人家The family kept horses in the paddock in front of the house.那户人家在屋前的围场里牧马。A man would think that you had said too much.人家会觉得你说过头了。We turned around in someone's driveway.我们在人家的私人车道上掉了头。Small apartment buildings filled with families line the street.沿街是一幢幢小型的公寓楼,楼里住满了人家It is never wise to come between a man and his wife.干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。The family lost everything when their home burned down.这户人家因房屋被烧毁而变得一无所有。The family put down roots in New England. 这户人家在新英格兰定居下来。Some poeple in the UK were worried that their country might be regarded as simply being a lackey of the US.有些英国人担心,人家会认为他们的国家不过是美国的附庸。Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace.学生完成了做私人家教的课题,在家里按自己的步调工作。He is sensitive about his failure.人家一提他的失败他就生气。He was born to an affluent family.他生在富裕人家I don't want to go and in any case, I haven't been invited.我不想去,再说,人家也没邀请我。I don't like anyone to trouble my new motorcycle.我不喜欢人家乱动我的新摩托车。And the best of it is, his eagerness to help was not appreciated.而最妙的是,尽管他非常想帮上一点忙,人家却并不领情。Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace.学生在家里按自己的步调完成私人家教布置的任务。Northbourne Leisure Centre isn't all it's cracked up to be, they don't even have a sauna.诺斯伯恩休闲中心没有人家说的那么好,连桑拿浴室都没有。The cop keeps close, friendly tabs on the households in his area.这名警察密切关注他管区内各户人家的情况。His jokes usually go over like a lead balloon.他说的笑话人家听了往往不感到好笑。If you have a squeaky little voice, people tend not to listen to your ideas.如果你的声音又尖又小,人家一般就不会听取你的意见。Salvatore is an easy-going person. He just goes with the flow.塞尔瓦托是个随和的人。人家怎么说,他就怎么做。The cable TV company sent out direct mail to every household in their service area.有线电视公司向所辖服务区域内的每一户人家都发了信件。




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