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词汇 cocktails
例句 We started off the meal with shrimp cocktails.我们晚餐时首先喝了小虾鸡尾酒。He ingurgitates the cocktails absentmindedly without reflection.他茫然出神地大口喝着鸡尾酒。The cocktails are made of tropical ingredients such as fresh passion fruit and açaí berries.这些鸡尾酒取材于百香果、巴西莓等热带水果。These cocktails taste quite innocent, but they really pack a punch!这些鸡尾酒喝起来觉得没什么,可实际上后劲非常大!Vodka is the base for many cocktails.伏特加是许多鸡尾酒的主要成分。They drank cocktails before going to the theater.他们去戏院前喝了鸡尾酒。The restaurant offers a wide selection of cocktails.这家餐厅的鸡尾酒种类繁多。We were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.他们连法国香槟酒也端来给我们喝,更不用说寻常的鸡尾酒了。He's an expert at mixing cocktails.他擅长调鸡尾酒。Police were menaced with clubs, bricks and molotov cocktails.警察受到棍棒、砖块和燃烧弹的威胁。The cocktails were so sweet that the strength of them might pass unnoticed until it was too late.这些鸡尾酒太好喝了,等你感受到酒劲时可能为时已晚。We had cocktails before dinner.晚餐前我们喝了鸡尾酒。




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