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词汇 产权
例句 The claims cannot yet be validated. 这一产权尚未被确认。We met with our lawyer before the closing on our new house.我们在新房产权交割会之前见了我们的律师。Sorry to have infringed upon your property-rights.对不起,我侵犯了您的产权When they divorced she retained a legal interest in the property.他们离婚时,她保留了房屋的合法产权Commercial interests were cynically exploiting property owners' concerns.商业利益集团趁机大肆利用产权人担心的种种问题。Changes to the property can't be done without their explicit consent.没有他们的明确同意,产权变更无法完成。The house is partly owned by her father.她父亲拥有这幢房子的部分产权The other option would be for me to own less of the house but that would be stupid.还有一个选择是我放弃房子的部分产权,但这是个蠢办法。People owning leasehold homes will be given a new right to buy the freehold of their property.房屋租赁者将获得购买所住房产完全保有地产权的新权利。The defendant did not have tenure on the land.被告没有这片土地的产权My parents have part ownership in the restaurant.我的父母拥有该餐馆的部分产权The court decision sparked a raging/furious debate over property rights.法庭判决激起了一场关于产权的激愤/激烈的辩论。I've paid off my mortgage and now I own the property free and clear. 我已经还清按揭贷款,现在我完全拥有了房屋的产权




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