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词汇 tunnel
例句 A service tunnel runs between the two buildings.两座大楼之间有一条服务隧道。A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.要在群山中开凿一条隧道。Some of the prisoners escaped through a tunnel they had dug under the wall.一些囚犯从他们在墙底下挖掘的一条地道逃跑了。They hollowed out a tunnel through the mountain.他们挖通了穿山隧道。The excavation of the tunnel is still incomplete.隧道的挖掘工作还未完成。They holed a tunnel through the mountains.他们开凿了一条隧道穿过大山。The prisoners dug a tunnel under the fence and made good their escape.犯人们在围墙下面挖了条地道,然后成功越狱了。By the mouth of the tunnel he bent to retie his lace.到隧道出入口时,他弯腰重新系好鞋带。The road goes over the mountains, not through a tunnel.这条路并不是穿过隧道,而是翻山而过。The tunnel goes right underneath the city.隧道正好位于城下。The alternative is to tunnel a route through the mountain.另一个办法是挖一条穿山隧道。They planted explosives in the tunnel.他们在隧道里安放了炸药。The prisoners tried to tunnel their way out. 犯人们企图挖地道逃跑。Construction of the tunnel was brought to a crashing halt when the funds ran out.资金用完后,隧道建设也就骤然停顿下来。It's been a hard few months, but we're finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.这几个月很艰难,但是我们终于开始见到曙光了。The grubs tunnel into the wood.小虫子钻进了木头里。They were clearing away snow to open the tunnel.他们在清扫积雪以使隧道畅通。The train entered the tunnel with a shrill whistle.火车鸣着尖厉的汽笛声驶进了隧道。The SAS and American special forces have the expertise to engage in cave and tunnel warfare.英国特种空军部队和美国特种部队应对洞穴战和隧道战很在行。The Chicago River flooded the city's underground tunnel system.芝加哥河水淹没了城市地下管道系统。The tunnel had never been finished. Perhaps the builders lost heart and abandoned it.隧道工程半途而废了,也许是工人们丧失了信心放弃了。A métro car window becomes opaqued under tunnel conditions.地铁车厢的窗户在隧道中变得不透明。Until the rail links are in operation, passengers can only travel through the tunnel by coach.在铁路连线开通之前,乘客只能乘坐长途客车穿越隧道。The tunnel has an inefficient ventilation system.这个隧道的通风系统效果不佳。Three inmates fled the prison in a daring tunnel escape.三名囚犯大胆地从地道越狱,成功地逃脱了。The miners made a tunnel through the rock.矿工们打通了一条岩石隧道。I've got tunnel vision when it comes to what I want to do.我对于自己想做什么目光短浅。They had to blast their way through the mountainside to build the tunnel.他们不得不炸穿山腰来建隧道。The construction of the first tunnel predated the construction of the second by several years.第一条隧道比第二条早建几年。He could see a whiteness ahead of him in the dark tunnel.他在黑暗的隧道中看到前面有一团白色的东西。The tunnel opened out into a large cavern.隧道通往一处大洞穴。The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.坑道塌方,矿工都被活埋了。The main path continues through a tunnel of trees.主路继续延伸,穿过了树枝遮顶的林阴道。As finals approached, she felt that at last she could see the light at the end of the tunnel.随着决赛的临近,她觉得自己终于快要熬出头了。After all the problems we've had we're finally beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.在经历多番周折之后,我们终于苦尽甘来,看到了希望。It will actually be better to leave the machine encased in concrete to one side of the tunnel.实际上,把机器用混凝土封存在隧道一侧更合适。The machine they used to bore the tunnel is the size of a two storey house.他们用来挖隧道的机器有两层楼的房子那么大。They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel.他们认为他是从一条专门挖掘的地道逃跑的。After mating the male wasps tunnel through the sides of their nursery.交配之后,雄黄峰们就从蜂房的侧面钻出去了。The train entered the tunnel.火车进了隧道。




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