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But the walls and ceilings of tunnels often had to be lined to keep out water infiltration.但是隧道的墙壁和顶部常常必须加衬以防止渗水。Undersea tunnels are dangerous until they are stabilized and lined, but once completed, they are safe as houses.海底隧道在没有砌好并加固前是有危险的,但是一旦完工,就十分安全。Coils buried in tunnels below the ground might soon be used to store large amounts of electricity.埋在地下隧道里的线圈可能很快就会被用来储存大量的电。Beneath the city lies a labyrinthine network of tunnels.城市的下面布满迷宫般的地道网络。The workers go down to the tunnels through a vertical shaft sunk from the top of the cliff.工人们经过一个从悬崖顶部开掘的竖井进入隧道。They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground.他们发现了一处迷宫似的地道。She designs machines that are used to bore tunnels.她设计挖隧道的机器。The monolithic free-standing structures suggest entrances to caves, tunnels, tombs, and temples.这些独块巨石构成的独立式结构指示着山洞、地下通道、墓穴和寺庙的入口。The tunnels have been widened and deepened.各条隧道都已拓宽加深。Workers could not clear the tunnels of smoke.工人们无法清除隧道里的烟雾。All railroads have weight and height limitations, because of tunnels, bridges and so forth.由于隧道、桥梁等原因,所有铁道皆有载重及车厢高度限制。Shafts were sunk, with tunnels dug laterally.矿井掘好了,还在侧面挖了一些隧道。We got lost in the maze of tunnels.我们在迷宫般的隧道内迷路了。The moles dug tunnels in the yard.鼹鼠在院子里打洞。In tin mining today, workers excavate tunnels horizontally from a vertical shaft.如今开采锡矿,工人们从竖井中横向开挖隧道。Water rushes out of huge tunnels.水从巨大的隧道中奔涌而出。The tunnels drain the water from the mines.这些坑道可将矿井里的水排掉。We will spare no effort to ensure the safety of the tunnels.我们将不遗余力确保隧道安全。Light rail trains also operate at grade, instead of relying on elevated tracks and tunnels.轻轨列车也在同一平面上运行,而不用依靠高架轨道和隧道。All that digging had left a network of abandoned mines and tunnels.东挖西掘后留下了一片废弃的矿坑。Planes bombed the guerrilla positions yesterday in an attempt to flush out snipers from underground tunnels.飞机昨天轰炸了游击队的驻地,试图把狙击手从地下坑道中逼出来。They will build tunnels under the fence.他们将在栅栏下面修筑坑道。Air can circulate freely through the tunnels.隧道里空气流动通畅。 |