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词汇 事后
例句 His fame turned out to be a curse, not a blessing.事后证明,他的成名是祸而不是福。Don't say anything you might regret later.不要讲任何你事后可能会后悔的话。By hindsight I should have gone there earlier.事后想来,我应早些去那里。She realized too late that she had been played for a fool.事后才意识到自己被愚弄了。He dissected the plan afterward to learn why it had failed.事后仔细剖析那项计划,以便搞清它失败的原因。When you've done these, you can get started on that lot.你做完这些事后可以着手做那一摊子事。He mentioned the prize almost as an afterthought. 他几乎事后才提起这个奖。Anger eventually boils over into words that are later regretted.愤怒的情绪终于控制不住,变成了一句句气愤的话语,事后又追悔莫及。I'm going to postdate the cheque.我打算在支票上填事后日期。I was able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight.我借助事后的认识才得以作出判断。It is easy to criticize others when you have the benefit of hindsight.事后再去批评别人当然容易。I should have guessed... but hindsight is a wonderful thing.我本应该早就猜到的⋯但事后认识到也很妙。He wants to second-guess us on everything that we do.他要对我们所作的一切都在事后加以指摘。With hindsight, we'd all do things differently.有了事后的认识,我们都会以不同的方式行事。He only lived a few days after the accident.事后他只活了几天就死了。After saying that, Tom resumed his work and ignored us completely.说完那事后,汤姆继续工作,全然不再理会我们。We'd had a brush with death that left us terrified.我们有一次差点丢掉了性命,事后觉得很后怕。There's no knowing what she'll do if she finds out about this.无从知晓她查出这事后会做些什么。You will report to me afterwards.事后你必须向我报告。The decision to invade Iraq was based on accusations that turned out to be false.决定入侵伊拉克所依据的指控事后证明是错误的。Although they had signed the contract they tried to weasel out of the deal later.尽管他们已经签了合同,但事后却试图逃避这笔买卖。Even with the benefit of hindsight, I doubt I would change anything if I had my time again.即使在事后,我也怀疑如果再做一次我是否会有任何改变。There'll be ructions when your mother hears about that.你妈听到这事后会嚷嚷的。For a long time afterwards I felt responsible for his death.事后有很长时间我都觉得自己对他的死负有责任。As soon as I've done I'm going home.事后我就立即回家。With 20/20 hindsight we now see where our strategy went wrong.事后想来,现在我们明白策略哪里出了问题。She said things in the heat of the moment that she later regretted.她一气之下说了事后又后悔的事情。I didn't think about the danger at the time. Afterwards I was shaking like a leaf.当时我没考虑到危险,事后吓得直发抖。We've both had a good laugh about the accident despite what's happened.虽然出了意外,但事后我俩都觉得好笑。To ascribe opinions retrospectively is of course very dangerous.事后再翻出当初谁说了什么当然是很危险的。Their first idea was deemed, in hindsight, a mistake.事后,他们认为最初的想法是个错误。She's impulsive and often does things that she later regrets.她容易冲动,经常做一些事后后悔的事。All the orders were given by word of mouth so that no written evidence could be discovered later.所有命令都是口头传达的,所以事后找不到任何书面证据。The battle scene was dubbed with suitable noises later.事后给战斗场面配上恰当的各种音响。He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.他承认事后才明白最初的投放量不够大。I could understand her being angry, but I'll still never forgive her the way she treated me afterwards.我能够理解她气愤的心情,但我仍无法原谅她事后对我的报复。No one can alter the fact, ex post facto.没有一个人能在事后改变事实本身。She kicked up a huge fuss when she heard about it.她听到这事后大吵大闹。I hope she was suitably apologetic afterwards.我希望她事后能适当表示歉意。This can help you satisfy the craving without setting up problems later on.这可以帮你满足欲望,而且事后又不会惹出问题。




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