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词汇 get to sleep
例句 I couldn't get to sleep at all last night I was so worried.昨晚我担心得无法入睡。I can't get to sleep with all that singing.那些歌声搅得我无法入睡。If you can't get to sleep, don't get up or have a meal or snack; relax and read quietly instead.如果睡不着,就不要起来,也不要吃饭或吃零食,而是要放松下来,静静地阅读。For heaven's sake, let's all get to sleep.看在上帝的份上,我们都睡觉吧。It took me almost an hour to get to sleep last night.昨晚我差不多过了一个小时才入睡。I couldn't get to sleep until I saw the first pale light of dawn.我一直等看到第一线暗淡的晨光才睡着的。I just couldn't get to sleep, what with all the traffic and people in the street.街道上车水马龙,人声嘈杂,我根本睡不着觉。She couldn't get to sleep, what with all the shooting and shouting.枪声和喊声此起彼伏,她无法入睡。Hush, now. Try to get to sleep.嘘,别哭了。 睡吧。I can't seem to get to sleep at night.我在夜间似乎无法入睡。Most night owls who have to work or simply can't get to sleep enjoy listening to the radio.那些因工作或难以入眠而晚睡的人大多爱听收音机。I've tried counting sheep but I still can't get to sleep.我也数过羊,可还是睡不着。The same thoughts kept going through my mind and I couldn't get to sleep.这些念头不断掠过我心头,使我无法入睡。I couldn't get to sleep, somehow.不知怎么的,我睡不着。The children got overexcited and couldn't get to sleep.孩子们兴奋得无法入睡。It took me hours to get to sleep.我费了好几个小时才睡着。My husband snores so loudly that I find it difficult to get to sleep.我丈夫的鼾声太响,我很难入睡。




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