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词汇 习惯
例句 That is a newly acquired habit.那个习惯最近才养成。Her visits to her aged father have become a ritual.她看望老父已成了习惯That phrase is idiomatically acceptable/correct.那种说法符合常见的语言习惯As a child, Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits.在孩提时代,柯尔律治就养成了广泛阅读的习惯Gambling can be an addictive habit.赌博是一种可以使人上瘾的习惯Try to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water every hour.养成每小时喝杯水的习惯I find some of his habits somewhat unpleasant, disgusting even.我觉得他的一些习惯很是令人不悦,甚至可以说是令人作呕。At first Omar hated the rain in England, but he's used to it now.起初奥马尔讨厌英格兰下雨的天气,但是现在习惯了。They would not leave off their wild habits.他们不愿改掉野蛮的习惯It took me a while to get used to the casual atmosphere in the office.我过了一段时间才习惯办公室里的轻松气氛。I can't get used to the idea that you're grown up now.我不能习惯现在你已长大成人。The austerities of life in a small rural community were not what I was used to.穷乡僻壤的清苦生活可不是我所习惯的。Ministers are long used to working up overnight an extemporaneous Sunday sermon.牧师们一向习惯在头天晚上准备好一篇礼拜日口头布道词。A doe blind in one eye was accustomed to grazing as far from the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety.为了更安全,这只独目雌鹿习惯了尽量在远离峭壁的地方吃草。Coming from the country, I was entirely unused to city traffic.我从农村来,一点都不习惯城市的交通。He didn't like his job to start with , but he got used to it eventually.他一开始并不喜欢自己的工作,但是最终习惯了。Possibly we are accustomed, biologically speaking, to this background radiation.从生物学角度来说,我们可能已经习惯了这种本底辐射。He's in a lot better shape since he's changed his diet.自他改变饮食习惯以来,他的身体状况好了很多。She is used to working long hours.习惯了长时间的工作。Older adults who exercise are mentally sharper than their couch potato peers.与终日看电视的同龄人相比,有锻炼习惯的老人思维更敏捷。He was well accustomed to hard work.他早已习惯了艰苦工作。He got used to drinking hard liquor at an early age.他很小就习惯喝烈性酒了。She never lost interest in the birds' morning feeding activities, migrations, mating habits.她对鸟类的早晨觅食活动、迁徙及交配习惯一直感兴趣。He has grown a habit of twitching his nose.他养成了抽动鼻子的习惯He copied that mannerism from his brother.他从他哥哥那里学来了这个习惯She is used to working long hours. 习惯了一连工作好多个小时。Dixon had a disposition to stammer.狄克逊有口吃的习惯Wearing a tie was second nature to him.戴领带是他的习惯The survey included questions on age and smoking habits.调查包括一些关于年龄和吸烟习惯的问题。He drove with his accustomed casual ease.他按往常的习惯随性自在地开着车。He described the customs of the menfolk of his family.他描述了他们家男人的习惯It's not easy at first, but it soon becomes second nature.起初不容易,但很快就习惯了。Sammy has an irritating habit of leaving the refrigerator door open while he's fixing something to eat.萨米有个恼人的习惯,弄东西吃时老是把冰箱的门开着。They were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol.他们习惯了狂饮烈酒。I had to unlearn the way I played guitar when I started taking formal lessons.开始正规学习吉他的时候,我不得不丢掉以前弹吉他的习惯I used to exercise every day, but I got out of the habit.我以前每天都要锻炼,但后来丢掉了这个习惯When he was thinking out a problem Tweed's habit was never to isolate himself in his room.思考问题的时候,特威德从来没有把自己关在房间里的习惯It was his custom in buying real estate to offer a rather low price.他在购买地产时习惯把价格压得很低。You must break yourself of the habit.你必须改掉这个习惯He'd got into the way of smoking first thing in the morning.他养成了一起床就抽烟的习惯




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