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词汇 乐队
例句 She told stories about the band's alcoholic binges, their arrests on drug charges, and even about one member's foot fetish.她讲了乐队饮酒作乐的事,讲了他们因为被指控吸毒而遭拘捕的事,甚至还讲到有个成员有恋脚癖。And finally, don't miss Albuquerque's amazing punk band, playing tonight at the Lunar Club.最后,请不要错过阿尔布开克基了不起的朋克乐队,今晚他们将在月球俱乐部演出。The band has developed an edgy new image.乐队发展成了一个前卫的新形象。One of my favorite comedians is opening for the band on their current tour.我最喜爱的一位喜剧演员为这个乐队正进行的巡回演出暖场。Willy's band is playing tonight, and I invited a bunch of people to come along威利的乐队今晚要演出,我请了一群人来捧场。The band's single has been moving steadily towards the bottom of the charts this month.本月,该乐队的单曲渐渐滑向排行榜末尾的位置。The crowd was buzzing as everyone waited for the band to come on stage.观众中人声沸腾,大家都兴奋地等待着乐队上台。He dropped out of art college and joined a band.他从艺术学院辍学,参加了一个乐队The band is all glitz and no substance.这个乐队华而不实。The band has actively courted a young audience.乐队已积极争取到年轻观众的支持。The band murdered that song.乐队把那首歌演奏得很糟糕。The band denied the rumours that they may be splitting up.乐队否认了有关他们要解散的谣传。It all started when Paul McCartney and John Lennon teamed up to form a band.保罗·麦卡特尼和约翰·列侬合作成立了一个乐队,一切就这样开始了。Outside a band was playing the Cornish Floral Dance.一支乐队正在外面演奏《康沃尔花舞曲》。RedI was the lead singer in the band.雷德尔是乐队主唱。The band always draws a large crowd.这个乐队总能引来大批听众。If a song is good, it's immaterial whether it's sung by one band or another.如果是一首好歌,那么由哪个乐队来演奏不重要。The band signed their first record deal a year after forming.这个乐队成立一年后签下了第一张唱片。That's when I chased her down to be the singer in my band.就是那时候,我找到了她,让她在我的乐队里担任歌手。We decided to bust up the band.我们决定解散乐队The band needs no introduction from me.乐队无须我介绍。The band came very close to breaking up.乐队快要解散了。They are arguably the most important band since The Rolling Stones.他们无疑是继滚石之后最出色的乐队The band was playing far off in their blue and yellow uniforms.乐队身穿蓝黄相间的队服正在远处演奏。The band are currently planning a series of Stateside gigs.乐队目前正在策划在美国举办一系列演唱会。The band's new album has had very good reviews.乐队的新专辑备受好评。The band is huge in both Britain and the US.这个乐队不论在英国还是在美国都非常出名。He lifted his stick and the band began to play.他举起指挥棒,乐队开始演奏。The band sounds great. The only downside is the quality of the recording.乐队的演奏很出色,唯一的缺憾是录音质量。He has announced that this will be his final/last appearance with the band. 他宣布这将是他最后一次在这个乐队演出。Where does the band name come from?这个乐队的名称缘何而来?The group is made up of local musicians who have been performing together for several years.这个乐队由本地乐师组成,他们在一起演奏已有几年了。While the band is setting up, would you check on the food?乐队调试这段时间里,你可以去检查一下食物吗?Brass players have a reputation as the most extroverted musicians - they're the party animals of the orchestra.铜管乐师以性格最为外向的音乐家而出名,他们是乐队里最爱参加聚会的一群人。Every jazz-lover at some time of his life has dreamed of assembling a band of his own favourite musicians.每个爵士乐爱好者在一生中的某个时候,都梦想过把自己最喜欢的乐手聚集起来组建一个乐队The band was doing less and less of that kind of music.乐队越来越少演奏那种音乐了。For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous.乐队的巡演计划暂时还没确定。The band toured Ireland amid a storm of controversy.乐队在一片争议浪潮中赴爱尔兰巡回演出。Despite all of the ballyhoo , the group's new album is terrible.尽管搞了这么多炒作,乐队的新专辑还是很烂The group has split up and re-formed several times with different musicians.这个乐队已经分裂重组了好几次,每次的成员都不同。




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