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词汇 bread
例句 It's surprising how much milk the bread sops up.这块面包能吸收那么多牛奶,太出人意料了。The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast.那孩子把面包屑撒得到处都是。Peanut butter is best spread on chunks of crusty bread.花生酱在脆皮的大块面包上最好涂抹。He used his knife to chop off a hunk of bread.他用刀切下一大片面包。Routine office work is my bread and butter.我靠日常的办公室工作谋生。Sprinkle poppy seeds on the bread before baking.烤面包之前在上面撤些罂粟籽。I love freshly baked bread.我喜欢刚烤好的面包。Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip…警察在垃圾场发现了一把很大的面包刀。Corn bread, black-eyed peas, ham hocks, and sweet potato pie are all soul food.玉米面包、黑眼豆、猪蹄和甜薯饼都是美国南方黑人传统食品。She spread pieces of bread on the counter and began buttering them.她把几片面包摆在台上,开始抹黄油。The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.手机生意实际上是他的生计。We used to have to queue up for bread every morning.过去我们每天早晨都必须排队买面包。These chaps know what side their bread's buttered on.这些家伙知道怎样做对他们有利。The sweet fresh scent of newly baked bread filled the house.新出炉的面包的鲜甜香味弥漫着整个房子。The rich aroma of freshly baked bread filled the whole house.新鲜出炉的面包那浓郁的香味充满了整个房子。Many basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk, are tax-free.许多基本食物如牛奶和面包是免税的。He spread butter on the bread. = He spread the bread with butter.他在面包上抹了一层黄油。We were greeted by the familiar smell of baking bread.我们闻到了熟悉的烤面包的味道。The second batch of bread came out underdone.第二炉面包没烤熟。She used the thick bread to mop up the last of her soup.她用厚面包吸干了剩下的汤汁。I bit into a hefty slab of bread and cheese. When I had got it down I started talking.我咬了一大块面包和奶酪,强咽下去之后开始说话。Although his business is small, he makes good bread.他的生意规模虽小,收入可观。The store's out of bread.这家商店的面包卖完了。They ate some bread rolls left over from the night before.他们吃了前一天晚上剩下的几个面包卷。She takes a pride in baking all her own bread.她对自己烤面包吃而感到自豪。The bread is fortified with various vitamins.这种面包因含有多种维生素而提高了营养价值。Wholemeal bread is more nutritious than white bread.全麦面包比白面包更有营养。The hungry child asked for a piece of bread.饥饿的孩子要一块面包吃。Fresh bread is delivered daily.新鲜面包每天都送货。This bread and butter is too thick.这片涂黄油的面包太厚了。The smell of freshly baked bread filled the room.刚出炉的面包香味充满了整个房间。I want nothing but raiment and daily bread.我只求温饱,别无他求。Indian curries are normally served with bread or long-grain rice.印度咖喱通常与面包或长粒米饭一起吃。Red Cross officials said they urgently needed bread and water.红十字会官员说他们急需面包和水。Just before bedtime he had a snack of bread and cheese.就在上床之前,他吃了点面包和乳酪作点心。The moldy bread repulsed him.发霉的面包令他作呕。As usual, she had bread and egg for breakfast.她照例吃面包和鸡蛋作早餐。With the coupon you can buy two loaves of bread for the price of one. 用优惠券你可以以一条面包的价格买两条。Bill dunked a piece of bread in the soup.比尔把一片面包放在汤里浸一下再吃。A big breakfast of bacon, egg and fried bread faced me when I had finished my ablutions.沐浴完毕,摆着培根、鸡蛋和烤面包的丰盛早餐出现在我面前。




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