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词汇 举行婚礼
例句 They wanted a quiet wedding without any fuss.他们想安安静静地举行婚礼,不大事铺张。The wedding day drew near.举行婚礼的日子临近了。We wanted a quiet wedding.我们想低调地举行婚礼There is a wedding going on at the church.教堂里在举行婚礼Count down to your wedding.倒数到你举行婚礼的日子。The summer months are preferable for weddings.夏季更适合举行婚礼Honestly, it makes no difference to me where we have the wedding.说实在的,在哪里举行婚礼我无所谓。Summer weddings need to be arranged months ahead.在夏季举行婚礼需要提前几个月作安排。She keeps blowing hot and cold about the wedding.她对举行婚礼犹豫不决。We decided not to get married in church.我们决定不在教堂举行婚礼What could be more romantic than a wedding on a tropical island?还有什么比在热带岛屿上举行婚礼更浪漫的事呢?We haven't set a wedding date yet.我们还没定下举行婚礼的日子。They had glorious weather for their wedding.他们举行婚礼的那天天气好极了。The days before the wedding were a merry-go-round.举行婚礼前的那几天忙得像走马灯似地团团转。The wedding's next week, but my parents are taking care of the whole shebang.下周举行婚礼,但整件事情都是我父母在张罗。On our wedding day, we were treated like royalty.我们举行婚礼那天受到了极高的待遇。George thought the car breaking down on the way to his wedding was a bad omen.举行婚礼的路上汽车抛锚了,乔治觉得这是一个不祥之兆。Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.如今很多人不再费心思举行婚礼The hall is a popular venue for weddings.这个礼堂是举行婚礼的热门场地。




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