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词汇 beauty
例句 Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.语言难以描述那景色之美丽。The essay exalts the simple beauty of the country.这篇散文高度赞扬了乡村的淳朴之美。The poem is full of eloquent phrases about the beauty of nature.诗中用富有表现力的语言描写了大自然的美。She had her hair done at the beauty parlor.她在美容院做了个头发。Sorry, but I need my beauty sleep.对不起,我要睡美容觉了。This kind of beauty cream is said to be able to smooth away wrinkles.据说这种美容霜能消除皱纹。Her two great recommendations are youth and beauty.她的两大优点是年轻和美貌。I was astounded by its beauty.它的美丽震撼了我。Visitors are always struck by the beauty of the landscape.游客们总是被这里的美丽景色所打动。Her features were too angular, her face a little too long for beauty.她的相貌棱角太突出,脸型有点长,说不上漂亮。She is rich. Now you say she is a beauty into the bargain.她很有钱。现在你又说她还是个美女。They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue.他们凝视着这座雕像,既为它的美丽所折服,又心生妒忌。One of the prizes was a makeover at a top beauty salon.奖品之一是顶级美容院的一次全面美容。Words are not sufficient to express the beauty of Hangzhou.言词不足以表达杭州的美。We appreciate beauty in nature.我们欣赏大自然的美。We are taught to equate beauty with success.我们受到的教育让我们把美丽和成功等同起来。She stood out among the students by her beauty.在学生中她的容貌是出众的。Huston is a film-maker who has achieved a rare kind of beauty in his work.休斯顿作为一名电影制作人,他在作品中创造了一种罕见的美。The painting catches the beauty of the Rockies perfectly.这幅画完美地再现了洛矶山脉之美。He was captivated by her beauty.他被她的美貌迷住了。She shared her beauty secrets with the group.她和这群人分享了自己的美容秘诀。I was enthralled by/with the beauty of the landscape.我被美丽的风景迷住了。She has an eye for beauty.她很有审美能力。She had a devastating beauty/charm/smile that few men could resist.她的美貌/魅力/笑容令人倾倒,几乎没有男人可以抗拒。Nineteen percent of women will still use a beauty product, even if it irritates their skin.百分之十九的女性使用一种化妆品后,即使皮肤刺痛还会继续使用。To the school children, kindness and beauty were personified by their teacher Miss Appleby.对学校里的孩子来说,他们的老师阿普尔比小姐是善良与美丽的化身。People were protesting because the council planned to build a new road through Burleigh Wood, a local beauty spot.由于市议会计划兴建一条新的公路穿过当地的一个风景区伯利森林,居民都起来抗议。This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park's stories.这种残忍的现实和浪漫美好事物的并存始终贯穿于帕克的短篇小说中。My new car's a real beauty!我的新车实在是太漂亮了!They waxed rhapsodic about the beauty of the area.他们对这个地方的美景夸不绝口。Her beauty completely overwhelmed him.她的美貌让他神魂颠倒。Her beauty is beyond compare. 她的美貌无与伦比。The island's chief feature was its beauty.这个岛屿的主要特色是风景秀丽。The first time I saw her I was struck by her beauty.我第一次见到她时,就被她的美貌打动了。There's plenty of food, and the beauty part is that it's all free!这儿有许多吃的,而且最诱人的是全都免费!You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.色彩的明艳美丽会让你大饱眼福。Even a bruise on her cheekbone did not detract from her beauty.即使是她颧骨上的伤痕也无损她的美貌。Additional beauty treatments can be booked in advance.额外的美容服务可以提前预订。Mainline feminism was arguing for the inherent beauty of the natural woman.主流女权主义思想倡导女性天生的自然美。She was known as a great beauty in her time.她年轻时是出了名的大美人。




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