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例句 We might reasonably assume he'll be available.我们也许有理由认为他将会有空。Tennis coaches will be available to provide expert advice.将有网球教练为您提供专家意见。The teachers would be available to share expertise and offer advice.教师们将到场分享他们的专业知识并提出建议。They believe that abortion should be available on demand.他们认为人工流产应该是本人要求就施行的手术。I strongly support the view that education should be available to everyone.我强烈支持每个人都有权接受教育的观点。A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available.一种新的高效抗生素不久将在市面销售。She put us on notice that she would not be available for interviews until after the trial.她非常确定地告知我们,审判前她不会接受采访。Hors d'oeuvres will be served during the reception and a cash bar will be available.欢迎会上会有开胃小菜供应,也会有售酒柜台提供服务。Federal subsidies would be available to help employers pay the insurance premiums.将提供联邦政府补贴来帮助雇主支付保险费。They hope that a vaccine will be available soon.他们盼望不久会有疫苗可用。Someone will be available to answer your call during regular business hours. 在办公时间都会有人接听你的电话。We hoped that tickets would still be available, but no dice, they were all sold.我们希望还有票,但是没用,票都卖完了。It's expected that the new products will be available next month.新产品预计将于下月上市。Ample parking will be available.将有充足的停车位。Last year Dr Travis publicly attacked the idea that abortion should be available on demand.去年,特拉维斯医生公开抨击了如有要求可以堕胎的观点。One final note: tickets will be available at the door the night of the concert.最后再说明一下:音乐会当晚入口处将有票出售。When will the child be available for adoption?什么时候可以收养这个孩子?If you want a slice of the action, tickets may still be available.要是你们想加入,票可能还有。Opera should be available to people at prices they can afford.歌剧演出的票应该让观众买得起才对。This service should be available to everybody, irrespective of whether they can afford it.这项服务应该面向所有人,不管他们是否负担得起。Photographer in Residence required. There are no specific teaching commitments but he will be expected to be available to students on an informal basis.招聘驻校摄影师。不要求摄影师担任具体教职,但希望能在非正式雇用的基础上随时为学生服务。A version will also be available in machine-readable form.机读版本也将推出。Results of the drug trial will be available soon.这种药的试验结果很快就会出来了。Under the current release schedule, the series will be available on DVD early next year.按照目前的发行时间表,该连续剧的数字影碟将于明年年初面世。This service should be available to everyone, irrespective of whether they can afford it.这项服务应该为所有人提供,无论他们是否负担得起。He arranged for a ballistics expert to be available.他安排人去请一位弹道学专家。A new information service will soon be available to library users.不久将为图书馆使用者提供一种新的信息服务。No funding will be available until the technology is completely proven.在该技术得到充分验证前不会有拨款。Trained staff will be available to deal with your queries.有训练有素的员工解答你的问题。Ample chow will be available.会有足够的食物的。Grants should be available for most students.助学金应面向多数学生。I envisage a day when proper health care will be available to everyone.我想象有一天每个人都能享有应有的医疗服务。Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.活动人士坚持认为人工流产应该有求必应。The new service will be considerably more expensive. Further, it will only be available in certain areas.新的服务价格要昂贵得多,而且,只有在某些地区才可以获得此项服务。By the end of the decade, direct satellite connections for the Internet may be available.到这个十年结束时,互联网可能会以卫星直接连线。Take a seat. Mr Bennet will be available in a moment.请坐,贝纳特先生一会儿就来。The new software will be available in the spring. Meantime, users with problems can call our helpline.新软件将在春季推出。在此期间,遇到问题的用户可以拨打我们的服务热线。I explained to them that I would be available by phone.我告诉他们可以打电话找我。Since I wouldn't be available to vote, I nominated him to act as my proxy.由于我无法到场投票,我指定他作为我的代理人。The new software will be available in the UK in the near future.在不远的将来这种新软件就可在英国买到了。




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