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词汇 举报
例句 Even small children were used as instruments of the regime, encouraged to spy on and report their parents.甚至小孩子也成了这个政权的工具,被鼓励监视和举报自己的父母。The agency works hard to increase public confidence so that people are not afraid to report racist incidents.该机构致力提高公众对它的信任,让大家在举报种族主义事件时不会害怕。Evans was given a light sentence in return for giving information to the police.埃文斯因向警方举报被从轻判决。Disclosure requirements will repress bribery.要求人们举报将可制止贿赂。The number of reported crimes has increased.举报的罪案数字增加了。The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off from a member of the public.在一名群众向警方举报以后,那人就在家里被逮捕了。Many cases of abuse go unreported each year.每年许多虐待案件都没有举报The violence has gone largely unreported.这种暴力行径大多没人举报A mother who does not report the abuse is said to be complicit.据说一位没有举报这起虐待事件的母亲与此有牵连。They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell.当地居民举报闻到恶臭气味后,他们被叫来清理排水沟。He was arrested following a tip-off.有人举报后,他就被捕了。There would be strong incentives to turn someone in.向警方举报某人将获重赏。One of the gang members turned Queen's evidence and testified against the other members.一名团伙成员供出了对同案犯不利的证据,并做证举报了其他成员。He reported the assault to the police.他向警方举报了被人殴打一事。It takes a lot of nerve to report a colleague for sexual harassment.举报同事的性骚扰行为需要很大的勇气。Witnesses reported that the suspect was a white male.目击者举报说,嫌疑犯是一名白人男子。Students can confidentially report any problems they see in their schools.学生在学校里发现任何问题,都可以秘密举报The company's failure to comply with a noise abatement notice was reported to the procurator-fiscal.该公司因未能按通知要求减少噪音而被举报给地方检察官了。Hadley's drinking problem led co-workers to report him to the supervisor.哈德利的酗酒问题被同事向主管举报了。One of the guys at work kept pestering her for a date, so she finally reported him.办公室里有个家伙总是缠着要跟她约会,所以她最后举报了他。Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.三位海军上将和一名海军高级文员将被传讯,因为他们在接到性侵犯的举报后没有采取行动。I put the police on to him.我向警方举报了他。The terrorists said that anyone caught informing on them would be killed.恐怖分子说,举报他们的人一经发现将性命不保。The Home Office acknowledges that much crime goes unreported.内政部承认很多犯罪活动没有举报The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public.在一名群众向警方举报以后,那人就在家里被逮捕了。Nationwide, only one in four cases of child abuse and neglect is reported.在全国范围内,仅有四分之一虐待和疏忽照料儿童的案件被举报Cases of child abuse often go unreported or ignored by uninformed citizens.虐待儿童案件常常没人举报,或者为缺乏相关知识的公民所忽略。A man has been reported for a number of alleged motoring offences.有人举报一名男子多次违章驾车。Prisoners reported being regularly abused by their guards.囚犯们举报说他们遭到了看守经常性的虐待。They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with looted furniture.有人举报说他们正在从满满当当的卡车上卸洗劫来的家具。The police have appealed to anyone with information to come forward and talk to them.警方呼吁知情者举报His girlfriend threatened to turn him in.他女朋友威胁说要举报他。Detectives are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious.探员呼吁看到任何可疑情况的人进行举报They reported him to mall security.他们向商城安保部门举报了他。




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