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Why don't they cut out the middleman and let us do it ourselves?他们为什么不甩开中间商,让我们自己干呢?Most of the profit goes to the retailer; some goes to the middleman, and the remaining portion goes to the producer.大部分利润为零售商所赚,一部分被中间商赚了,余下的那部分归制造商。He jobs in government surplus.他是政府剩余物资销售的中间商。The product is then sold to the end-user via an intermediary.之后产品经由中间商销售给终端用户。The Internet helps consumers save money by buying products directly from companies and eliminating/bypassing the middleman.互联网通过直接从公司购买商品而绕过中间商的方式帮消费者省钱。 |