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词汇 中断
例句 They broke off diplomatic relations and closed the embassies in each other's country.两国中断外交关系,并关闭了在对方国家的大使馆。Telephones blacked out over a wide area.在广大地区电话中断There was a brief hiatus in the war.战争一度短暂中断Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor.未咨询医生不要擅自中断治疗。The production lines ground to a halt for hours while technicians tried to debug software.技术人员调试软件时,生产线中断了几个小时。He interrupted his holiday in Spain to return.中断在西班牙的休假回来了。The strike is expected to cause delays and disruption to flights from Britain.预计罢工会导致来自英国航班的延误和中断Traffic was disrupted by floods.交通因洪水而中断The programme started again after a two-year interruption.该方案在中断两年后又开始实施了。She had a long career break occasioned by her husband's job being moved to Paris.他丈夫转到巴黎去工作,因此她的职业生涯中断了很长一段时间。Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.投资可能会中断,而这会引起经济衰退。Labour hinted it would like to resume the broken dialogue with management.劳方暗示愿意与资方恢复已经中断的对话。The race was stopped after a horrific accident in which two drivers were killed.比赛期间发生严重事故,两名车手丧生,比赛因此中断The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.仪式因前所未有的起哄和口号声而中断We apologize for the loss of sound during that report.我们对刚才的报道出现声音中断表示抱歉。He filled a gap in the conversation by telling a joke.他插了一则笑话,使谈话不致中断The storm caused power failures in many parts of the city.这场暴风雨导致城市许多地方电力中断The school is specially for children whose schooling has been disrupted by illness.这所学校是专门为那些因患病而导致学业中断的孩子们开办的。Many of these people are in danger of having their utilities shut off for nonpayment. 这些人当中有很多因为未缴费用而面临公用服务中断的危险。I don't know what happened – we just got cut off.不知怎么回事,我们的通话中断了。The stoppage of exports shouldn't last long.出口中断的时间不会很长。We apologize for the interruption to our transmissions this afternoon.我们为今天下午广播节目的中断表示歉意。He was cut off from all his friends when he studied abroad.他在出国留学期间跟所有的朋友中断了联系。His main source of income had been cut off.他的主要收入来源中断了。A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country's economy.供应的全面中断会使该国经济陷入瘫痪。No one rushed in to fill the conversational gap.谈话中断,没人急着救场。An untimely downpour stopped the game.不凑巧的倾盆大雨使比赛中断Trade with that country was suspended for ten years.和那个国家的贸易中断了十年。Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds.为阻止苏格兰北部沿海一艘油轮的原油泄漏所进行的堵漏工作因风暴天气而告中断Radio transmissions were often cut off or unintelligible.无线电传送经常会出现中断或信号模糊。Electrical service was cut off for up to five hours in some parts of the country yesterday.昨天,该国部分地区电力中断达五小时。His education was cut short when his father died of a sudden illness.父亲突然因病去世,他的教育就中断了。He stopped a gap in the conversation by telling a joke.他插了一则笑话,使谈话不致中断The custom was revived after an abeyance of several centuries.这一风俗在中断了几世纪后复又流行。The strike halted all international train traffic through Hungary.罢工使所有途经匈牙利的国际铁路都中断了。There was a pause in the conversation as everyone turned to say hello to Paul.所有人转身向保罗打招呼,谈话中断了一会儿。The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.儿子的出生短暂地中断了她的事业。If oil supplies were ever disrupted, it would send U.S. oil-import bills into the stratosphere.一旦石油供应被中断,美国的石油进口额就会大幅度增加。At this point the waiter came up with Maggie's drink and conversation lapsed.这时,服务员端着玛吉点的饮料走过来,谈话中断了。His dinner was interrupted by a phone call.他的晚餐因一个电话而中断




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