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词汇 中心的
例句 The whole point was to get away from a Christian-centred view of religion.其主旨就是要抛开以基督教为中心的宗教观。She became so popular that a whole industry grew up around her and her image.她变得非常受欢迎,形成了一整个以她和她的形象为中心的产业。The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux.美国领事馆是位于波尔多市中心的一座宏伟的大厦。Visitors to the centre complained about the service more than last year.去该中心的人对服务质量的投诉比去年更多了。Most of the town centre is now a pedestrian zone.现在镇中心的大部分地方都是步行区。The new theater places the audience closer to the center/middle of the action.新剧院把观众席设在更靠近演出中心的位置。He controlled a cattle empire in the heart of Texas.他控制着一个位于得克萨斯州中心的庞大的牛业公司。The apartment was paid for by the bank at the centre / center of the scandal.这套公寓是由身处丑闻中心的那家银行付款购买的。The statements and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Wilson Centre.本书中的陈述和观点为作者个人意见,不一定代表威尔逊中心的看法。There are frequent buses to the town centre.这里常有通往镇中心的公共汽车。The money will go towards / toward the upkeep of the centre.这笔钱将用于该中心的维护。All attention converged on the centre ring at the circus.大家的注意力都集中在马戏场中心的圆形场地上。The idea of the centre was to provide a place where old people could go during the day.中心的目的是为老人提供一个场所,让他们白天有地方可去。Place the photo slightly off-centre, so that there is more space on the page.把照片放在稍稍偏离中心的位置,这样页面上的空间就更多了。Money for the new health centre has come mostly from private donors.用于新保健中心的资金大部分都是私人捐赠的。Europe, with Germany literally and figuratively at its centre, is still at the start of a remarkable transformation.以德国为实际意义和象征意义上的中心的欧洲仍处于巨大变革的初期。The factory is a towering leviathan in the middle of the town.这家工厂是耸立在镇中心的一座庞然大物。She worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays.她是一个电话中心的接线员,专为分时度假业务拨打推销电话。Since war broke out, the phones at donation centers have been ringing off the hook.自从战争爆发以来,捐赠中心的电话就一直响个不停。A replica of the space shuttle is parked at the center's entrance.一架航天飞机的复制品停在该中心的入口处。The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux.美国领事馆是位于波尔多市中心的一座宏伟大厦。Police officers from the organized crime division have raided businesses in central London.有组织犯罪调查处的警察已经突击搜查了位于伦敦中心的一些公司。We stayed at some fancy hotel in the centre of London.我们住在伦敦市中心的某家豪华饭店里。A central brace improves stability.中心的固定杆提高了稳定性。Because of an unusually strong current, the bridge's central support gave way, tipping a coach into the river.因为遭遇罕见的湍急洪流的冲击,桥中心的支座坍塌,一辆长途客车被掀进了河里。Two people have been severely injured in a bomb blast in central London.伦敦市中心的炸弹爆炸事件中有两人受了重伤。Downtown stores are being driven out by crime.犯罪活动使得巿中心的商店一家家搬走了。It was Ptolemy who propounded the theory that the earth was at the centre of the universe.是托勒密提出了地球位于宇宙中心的理论。The company recently moved to their new state-of-the-art building in central London.该公司最近搬入了它位于伦敦市中心的最新式大楼里。The city authorities have given their consent to leases on two buildings in the centre of Moscow.市政当局已经同意租借莫斯科市中心的两幢大楼。The mayor of the town led the procession to the central square.镇长率领游行队伍来到了镇中心的广场。The astronauts received a message from mission control.航天员收到来自地面控制中心的信息。She loved to play with her young charges at the day-care center.她喜欢跟那些日托中心的孩子们嬉戏。The statue has pride of place in the center of town.这座塑像立在镇中心的最显要位置。Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they will next be fed.婴儿都是完全以自我为中心的,他们只关心下次什么时候喂他们。The assembly can be mounted slightly off-centre so that it swings aside.配件可以安装到稍微偏离中心的位置,这样它就能向一边摆动。The company is unwilling to shoulder the cost of installing a daycare center.公司不愿负担设立日托中心的费用。




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