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词汇 barrels
例句 The wine is left to mature in oak barrels.葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿。The wine ages in oak barrels.这种酒是用橡木桶陈放的。The heavy guns sank up to their barrels in the mud.这些沉重的大炮深陷在泥里,只露出炮管。The tanker took on 200,000 barrels of crude oil.油轮装载了二十万桶原油。The wine is aged in oak barrels.这种葡萄酒是装在橡木桶里陈化的。The wine ferments in oak barrels.这种酒在橡木桶里发酵。The wine is aged for almost a year in oak barrels.这葡萄酒已经在橡木桶里存放近一年了。Fresh barrels of ale were brought up from the cellar.一桶桶新鲜的麦芽酒从酒窖里给搬上来。Oak barrels are used for aging the wine.橡木桶用于贮放葡萄酒。Wooden barrels are pressed into service as tables in Irish bars.在爱尔兰的酒吧间里,这些木桶被当作桌子使用。This country produces about 50 million barrels of oil per month.该国每月产油五千万桶。Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels, tending their nets.几个渔夫坐在木桶上修补渔网。Mixers poured cement into hundreds of blue barrels.搅拌机将水泥倒进上百个蓝色桶里。Another cargo plane disgorges dozens of barrels of fuel oil.另一架货运飞机卸下了几十桶燃油。Each of these oil fields could yield billions of barrels of oil.这些油田每一块都能产出数十亿桶原油。They filled the barrels with cider.他们把桶装满苹果酒。Chuck reloaded and fired off both barrels.查克重新装上子弹,然后把两根枪筒中的子弹都打了出去。




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