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词汇 个性
例句 If anyone can do it, he can. He's a battler and has a strong character.只要有人能做到这一点,他就能做到。他是一位斗士,个性坚毅。I find your competitiveness a little threatening.我发现你争强好胜的个性略带有威胁性。She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的充满活力的个性He thinks that wearing uniforms at school depersonalizes children.他认为穿校服使孩子们失去了个性He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the Cabinet.他具备进入内阁所必需的冷酷个性Her independence and maverick behaviour precluded any chance of promotion.她的独立个性和特立独行断送了一切晋升的机会。That picture sums him up perfectly. 那张照片完美地展现了他的个性Everyone's personality has a few kinks. 每个人的个性中都有些怪僻之处。It takes a strong personality to cope with rejection.接受遭拒的结果需要很强的个性He knows that his extreme competitiveness cuts both ways.他知道自己过于争强好胜的个性是一把双刃剑。She was a mature woman of considerable character and independent means.她是一个成熟的女人,拥有鲜明的个性和可保衣食无忧的财富。Discretion is my middle name.小心谨慎是我突出的个性In the real world, people's personalities do not fall into such neat categories.现实生活中人的个性不会如此分明。He had no screen presence and lacked any real personality.他在屏幕上没有表现力,缺乏真正的个性The town itself was full of life and character.这个城市本身充满活力,个性十足。In presenting a more professional image, the party risks losing its individuality.在向人展示出一种更加专业形象的同时,该党冒有丧失自身个性的风险。She stamped her personality on the company.公司带有她鲜明的个性色彩。Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character.个性鲜明是英国人固有的、也是他们看重的特点。I like the cut of your jib.我喜欢你的个性His rough edges and bawdy humour magically vanished.他那粗俗的个性和猥琐的幽默竟然都神奇地消失了。Most of us want to make our home a familiar place and put the stamp of our personality on its walls.我们大多数人都想把自己的家装饰成一个温馨的地方,并在墙上展示自己的个性His personality is hard to characterize.他的个性很难描述。Eliot argued that it should be the poetry, not the poet's personality, that is the center of attention.艾略特认为,注意的焦点应该是诗歌,而不是诗人的个性He criticized the school for trying to subdue individual expression.他指责学校试图压制个性的自由表现。People are attributing qualities to me that I just don't have.人们正把一些我并没有的个性加在我身上。Dave had tried to imprint his personality on the office.戴夫曾设法用自己的个性影响整个办公室。He had a cruel and vicious streak.个性残忍凶狠。In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.在当代西方社会,快速变化的时尚迎合了人们追求新奇和个性的需求。People should be free to express their own individuality.人们应该可以自由地表达他们的个性He is a man with a feeble personality.他是个个性软弱的人。She tried hard to slough off her old personality.她努力告别从前的个性The child's character was a composite of two girls I knew.这孩子的性格综合了我认识的两个女孩的个性The theory that personality is determined by our biology neatly lets everyone off the hook.个性是由生物学特征决定的,这种理论让我们每个人都可以解脱了。He had much charm and a winning personality.他魅力十足,个性迷人。It's difficult to be part of a highly organized group such as the armed forces without losing some of your individuality.要使自己融入到军队等组织性极强的团体中去,同时又不失去自己的一些个性是很难的。Cynthia's personality was more forceful and outgoing.辛西娅的个性更加坚强、开朗。Her early experiences played an important role in forming her personality.她早年的经历对她个性的形成有重要作用。Baker brings a touch of style to a government whose members are pretty pedestrian.政府的成员平淡无奇,贝克的到来则增添了几分个性Patti Smith and Janis Joplin did it all years ago and they were women with attitude and talent.帕蒂·史密斯和詹妮斯·乔普林多年前就这样做过,她们当时是两位个性鲜明的才女。She's just the way she is on stage, larger-than-life.她本人就和舞台上的她一样个性鲜明。




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