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词汇 bracket
例句 He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.他从墙上的固定托架上摘下电话。She is now in a lower/higher income bracket than before.她现在的收入水平比以前低/高。Several companies have produced pension plans specifically for people in the higher income tax bracket.有几家公司为纳税等级较高的人制定了特别的养老金计划。Millions of families have climbed a bracket or two.数百万家庭的收入已提高了一两个档次。These machines are in the higher price bracket.这些机器属于价钱比较高的档次。There's a bracket missing at the end of the sentence.句末少了个圆括号。This metal bracket provides the ground.这种金属架是用作接地装置的。The tax break is only applicable to persons in a high income bracket.减税优惠只适用于高薪人群。Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws.每个托架仅用三颗螺丝钉固定在墙上。It may put you in a higher tax bracket.这样可能会使你进入一个更高的税率级别。This book is written for the 10-to-11 age bracket.这本书是为十到十一岁年龄层的孩子写的。Do you fall outside that age bracket?你不属于那个年龄段吗?She is taller/shorter than average for her age bracket.她比同年龄段的人高/矮。Her salary puts her in the highest tax bracket.她的薪水适用最高税级。I think you should bracket this word.我认为你应该给这个字加上括号。He earned enough to put him in a higher tax bracket.他收入不菲,属于较高一档纳税等级。A bracket may be used to hold up a shelf or a candle.托架可用来支撑搁板或蜡烛。Their incomes are brought into a higher bracket.他们的收入已进入一个较高的等级段。




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