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The salt crystals separated out of the liquid.盐晶体从液体中分离了。I got the house in the divorce settlement.我在这份离婚协议中分到了房子。I usually part my hair down the center.我通常梳中分头。This book prize is the biggest of its kind in the world.这一图书奖项是世界上同类奖项中分量最重的。Researchers identified themes from the content analysis of interviews.研究者从采访的内容中分析出几个主题。In the storm the sky and sea were indistinguishable.暴风雨中分不清哪是天,哪是海。Separate the yolks from the whites.将蛋黄从蛋清中分离出来。Researchers have isolated a new protein from the seeds of poppies.研究人员从罂粟籽中分离出了一种新的蛋白质。I was trying to gain some perspective on the things that I learned in college. 我努力在大学学习中分清主次。Zeneca was at last demerged from its parent firm, ICI.捷利康公司终于从其母公司帝国化工集团中分离了出来。The foods you eat break down in the body's digestive system.吃下去的食物在消化系统中分解。Several factions split from the party.几个小派别从这个政党中分裂出来。The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用成分是很关键的。He parts his hair in the middle. 他把他的头发梳成中分。The lawyers, of course, take their cut of the little guy's winnings.律师们自然从那个小家伙赢得的钱中分到了他们的一份。The chemical/compound was originally isolated from a kind of seaweed.这种化学品/化合物最初是从一种海藻中分离出来的。He used to have a side parting, but now he wants a centre parting.以前他的头发是边分的,而现在他想要中分。The hepatitis B virus has been isolated from breast milk.乙型肝炎病毒已从母乳中分离出来。 |