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词汇 丝毫不
例句 He has no thought for his widowed mother.丝毫不关心寡居的母亲。The city's wealth allows drug traffickers to live a comfortable lifestyle without drawing attention to themselves.这个城市的富庶使贩毒分子生活得悠然自得,丝毫不会引起别人的注意。To say that is in no way to depreciate the performance.那样说丝毫不是要贬低其表现。Neil continued with undiminished enthusiasm.尼尔继续着,兴致丝毫不减。That does not worry him a whit.那事丝毫不使他担心。Here, despit of every stripe continued to hold sway, unaltered by time or circumstance.各种各样的独裁者持续统治着这里,丝毫不被时间或环境变化所影响。He shows a surprising lack of concern for others.丝毫不关心他人,这让人惊讶。The new museum will rival the largest in the world.这家新博物馆将丝毫不逊于世界最大的博物馆。She watched me with unabashed interest while I ate.她在我吃饭时饶有兴趣地看着我,丝毫不害羞。People with antisocial personality disorder often have no concern for their own safety and that of others.具有反社会型人格障碍的人对自身和他人的安全丝毫不关心。He showed not a spark of interest in literature.他对文学丝毫不感兴趣。She is modest without being coy.她很端庄,丝毫不忸怩。Don't you feel even a slight niggle about the morality of your experiments?你们难道丝毫不担心你们的实验是否合乎道德吗?This is just one of several statues dotted through the gardens, though never obtrusively.各花园里都散布着几座雕像,丝毫不显突兀,这只是其中的一座。Just because I won't join you, it doesn't mean that I'm anti you.我不加入你们,但这丝毫不意味着我反对你们。He suffered no agonies of guilt/remorse/regret over his decision. 他对自己的决定丝毫不感到自责。Donald had been stealing stationery from work for years and had no qualms about it at all.几年来唐纳德一直从公司偷文具,但丝毫不觉得愧疚。He showed no glimmer of interest in us.他对我们丝毫不感兴趣。They showed no concern for my feelings.他们丝毫不关心我的感受。That doesn't interest me in the slightest.丝毫不能引起我的兴趣。Once the Americans decide to do a thing, they do it well, and hang the cost.一旦美国人决定要做一件事,他们就会把它做好,且丝毫不计代价。I was very relaxed about the decision.对这一决定我丝毫不感到紧张。It does not make a blind bit of difference what you do. 无论你做什么都丝毫不起作用。The colonists had no respect for native traditions.殖民者们丝毫不尊重当地传统。I have not the least interest in his plans.我对他的计划丝毫不感兴趣。Father does not oppose the idea at all.父亲丝毫不反对这个想法。The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.交通堵塞丝毫不见缓解,街道被堵得水泄不通。The British Sports Council is no respecter of privacy or careers as it tries to stamp out the cheats.为了杜绝舞弊行为,英国体育委员会丝毫不会顾及个人的隐私或职业。Most people would have been very nervous in that situation, but she never turned a hair.大多数人在那种情况下都会很紧张,但她却丝毫不慌乱。He's a super nigger who spends his life trying to prove he's as good as the Man.他是个超级黑人,一生都在试图证明他丝毫不比白人差。At school he was popular and self-confident, and we weren't surprised at his later success.在学校的时候,他很受欢迎又很自信,所以对他以后的成功我们丝毫不感到惊讶。She showed total indifference to his fate.对于他的命运她丝毫不关心。She is endearingly free of pretensions.丝毫不做作,很讨人喜爱。He's an unabashed, old-fashioned romantic.他是一个丝毫不觉难为情的老派的浪漫主义者。He didn't see the slightest incongruity between the idealism of his plays and his own morals.他没看出他戏剧中的理想主义和他自己的道德观有丝毫不相称。When Eric's anger is aroused, he takes no prisoners.当埃里克被激怒时,他就丝毫不会理会别人的感受。We detected signs that they were less than enthusiastic about their honeymoon.我们觉察到他们对度蜜月丝毫不热心。It did not interest me in the least. 我对它丝毫不感兴趣。His optimism was not at all adumbrated by difficulties.困难丝毫不影响他的乐观精神。She wasn't a bit worried about the test.丝毫不担心考试。




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