例句 |
He died at home after a long illness.久病之后他在家里死去。He cut a poor figure after his long illness.久病之后,他显得萎靡不振。Long illness caused debility in him.久病不愈使他虚弱。His long illness was a draft on his resources.久病耗费了他不少钱。She is now at rest after her long, painful illness.她在痛苦的久病之后已经安息了。She expired after a long illness.她久病后去世了。She is still weak after her long illness.久病之后她仍很虚弱。His long illness emaciated him.久病使他消瘦了。He had gaunt cheeks after his long illness.他久病后双颊瘦削。He showed great fortitude during his long illness.在久病中他表现出极大的坚忍。Barbara decided to move her invalid mother to Mississippi, so that she could look after her herself.芭芭拉决定把久病卧床的母亲搬到密西西比,以便可以亲自照顾她。He died after a long illness.他久病不愈,后来就死了。Tony nursed his wife through her long illness without ever complaining.托尼在其妻子久病期间一直照料着她,从无怨言。He looks pale from his long illness.他因久病,脸色苍白。 |