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词汇 世界各地
例句 The hall was crowded with scientists from around the world.大厅里挤满了来自世界各地的科学家。Scientists from all over the world gather here.来自世界各地的科学家聚集在这里。The ceremony was watched live by millions all around the world.世界各地数百万人观看了庆典的直播。The festival attracts talent from all over the world.该节吸引世界各地的人才。Within a few years of its inception, the charity was involved in aid projects all around the world.该慈善机构成立了短短几年便参与了世界各地的援助项目。The son of a diplomat, he has spent much of his life globe-trotting.他是外交官的儿子,生活中的大部分时间都在往来于世界各地There is a college of international supervisors working together.一群来自世界各地的主管在一起工作。The war effected changes all over the world.战争使世界各地发生了变化。The news was syndicated in papers around the world.这一消息透过供稿联合组织在世界各地报纸同时发表。People around the world are crying out against the government's civil rights abuses.世界各地的人们都在谴责该政府践踏民权的行为。My new job will mean travelling all over the world.我的新工作需要在世界各地到处跑。The killing in Pensacola is emblematic of a lot of the violence that is happening around the world.彭萨柯拉的杀人事件是世界各地发生的大量暴力事件的典型代表。She has done dives all around the world.她在世界各地都潜过水。The band still packs out stadiums throughout the world.乐队的演出依然让世界各地的体育场爆满。Italian food has been exported all over the world.意大利食品已经输出到世界各地New markets are opening up all over the world.新市场在世界各地不断出现。He received a deluge of telegrams and messages of support from around the world.他收到从世界各地涌来的表示支持的电报和信件。The killing in Pensacola is emblematic of a lot of the violence that is happening around the world.彭萨科拉的杀人事件是世界各地发生的大量暴力事件中具代表性的一起。Our business spans the globe.我们的业务遍布世界各地Women all over the world have been demonstrating to show their solidarity.世界各地的妇女都出来游行示威以示团结。The survey reflects the perceptions of business people around the world.该调查反映了世界各地商界人士的看法。The musical has been packing out venues around the world.这部音乐剧在世界各地演出时场场爆满。There has been worldwide protest against the ban on girls’ education.世界各地都在抗议这条禁止女孩受教育的禁令。Television news brings us visual images from around the world.电视新闻给我们带来了世界各地的视觉图像。Goods poured in from the four corners of the world.世界各地的商品纷纷涌来。The money will be used to help starving children around the world.这笔钱将用于帮助世界各地挨饿的儿童。These figures clearly highlight the difference in world living standards.这些数据凸显出世界各地生活水平的差异。The competitors tonight come from all over the world.今晚的参赛选手来自世界各地American culture has been exported all over the world.美国文化已经传播到了世界各地They say that she has been all over the world.他们说她到过世界各地The Internet makes it possible for people all over the world to keep in touch.互联网使世界各地的人能保持联络。Curious tourists and reporters from around the globe are descending upon the peaceful villages.好奇的游客和记者从世界各地一齐涌向这些平静的村落。The announcement triggered a cascade of events across the world.这个公告在世界各地触发了一系列事件。It can be found anywhere/everywhere in the world.这在世界各地都可以找得到。Burial practices vary around the world.世界各地的丧葬习俗各不相同。They are to be found all over the world.它们遍布于世界各地Their music merges different styles from around the world.他们的音乐糅合了来自世界各地不同的风格。The plant is widely distributed throughout the world. 这种植物广泛地分布于世界各地We export our goods all over the globe.我们的商品出口到世界各地Thailand exports its fine rices around the world.泰国将精米出口到世界各地




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