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词汇 boy
例句 The boy wore a wolfish grin.那个男孩咧着嘴狞笑。The little boy fell down and cut his knee.小男孩摔倒了,磕破了膝盖。His father's angry shouting reduced the little boy to tears.父亲的怒吼把小男孩吓哭了。As a boy he always kicked against his father's authority.小时候他总是不服父亲的管束。I started as an office boy and worked my way to the top.我从一个办公室小职员干起,一直干到最高层。He gave the boy's ear a flip as he passed behind him.他从男孩后面经过时轻轻弹了一下男孩的耳朵。He was quite a skinny little boy.他是个瘦得皮包骨头的小男孩。You left out an important detail about their new baby: is it a girl or boy?你漏掉了他们的新生儿的一个重要信息:男孩还是女孩?The boy fell from a tree and fractured his arm.那个男孩从树上摔了下来折断了胳膊。The boy has a gift for music.这男孩有音乐天赋。The boy threw a stone at the dog.那男孩对狗丢石头。She is playing chess with some boy.她在和一个男孩下棋。The boy snapped the wing off his toy airplane.小男孩啪的一声把玩具飞机的翅膀折断了。The boy sued his father for mercy.男孩向他父亲求饶。She mocked him as a country boy.她嘲笑他是乡巴佬。A bullet had lodged in the boy's leg.一颗子弹嵌进了男孩的腿里。The boy is not disposed to study.这男孩不喜爱读书。The boy is suffering from some strange malady.这男孩患了某种奇怪的病。His mother was under sedation after the boy's body was brought back from Germany.男孩的尸体从德国运回后,他的母亲一直靠服药保持镇静。The medicine stopped the boy's incipient cough from becoming worse.药物控制住孩子初发的咳嗽。The boy deserves to be severely reprehended.对这男孩应严加申斥。Have you considered that he is only a little boy?你有没有考虑到他仅仅是个小孩? A pool of water has accumulated on the ground from the boy's dripping clothes.男孩身上湿淋淋的衣服滴下来的水已在地上积成一摊。A small boy was mauled by the neighbour's dog.一个小男孩被邻居的狗咬伤了。The boy is tutoring in arithmetic.这男孩在家庭教师指导下学算术。The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up.男孩站不稳,起身后走起来步子也踉踉跄跄。We were amused by the boy's pert answer.那孩子直言不讳的回答把我们逗乐了。I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham.我与诺丁汉的一位帅小伙儿交往过。The teacher remonstrated with the boy about his low grades.教师告诫男孩,说他的分数太低了。Nausea swept over me as I looked at the body of the dead boy.看到那男孩的尸体,我感到一阵恶心。The boy ran off somewhere.男孩跑到了别的地方。He was once the golden boy of tennis, but now few people remember his name.他曾经是网球金童,但现在已经没什么人记得他的名字了。A growing boy needs his food.正长身体的男孩需要吃饱。Their little boy's so naughty.他们的小儿子非常淘气。A little boy was squatting at the edge of the pool.一个小男孩蹲在水池边。The question of whether life exists on other planets preoccupied the boy's mind.那男孩心中老是想著其他星球上是否存在生命这一问题。Is it a boy or a girl?是男孩还是女孩?The boy has set his heart on that toy.这男孩一心想得到那个玩具。Our boy was always pushed around at school, until he fought back.以前我们的男孩在学校常受欺侮,他开始反抗后就不会了。As a boy, he dreamed of playing in the majors.他还是个小男孩的时候,就梦想能参加职业棒球大联盟。




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