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词汇 专业的
例句 She had a PhD in industrial robotics.她有工业机器人专业的博士学位。With computer technology, even people working on their own have the ways and means to produce professional-looking documents.借助电脑技术,独自工作的人也有办法和途径制作外观专业的文件。He's a professional carpenter and tiler.他是一位专业的木匠和泥瓦匠。You should seek professional advice.你应该寻求专业的建议。He maintained an impersonal, professional attitude.他秉持了一种客观的、专业的态度。It was a very professional production with great style and polish.这是一件很专业的作品,风格优雅,品味上乘。The inspectors went about their work in a professional way.检查人员工作做得挺专业的Both the professional and the consumer business models are evolving.专业的商业模式和消费者商业模式都在进化。You should hire a professional home inspector before buying.在购买之前你应该聘请一位专业的房屋检验员。She was named the outstanding undergraduate history major at the University of Oklahoma.她被评选为俄克拉何马大学历史专业的优等生。She became a professional mezzo-soprano.她成为了一名专业的次女高音歌手。Economics undergraduates are probably the brightest in the university.经济学专业的本科生可能是大学里最聪明的学生。She got her degree in public health.她获得了公共卫生学专业的学位。You could consider hiring a professional money manager.你可以考虑雇一名专业的理财经理。Most of the faculty members at this college are doctors in their fields.这个学院的大部分教员都是他们本专业的博士。Applications for nurse specializations may be sent to the School of Nursing.护士专业的申请可以寄到护理学院去。Her chief/main/primary/principal function is to provide expert legal advice.她的主要职责是提供专业的法律建议。His papers were proof against all but the most expert of scrutinies.他的论文几乎可以经受住最专业的审查。People wanting to set up their own business should take expert financial advice.如想自己创业,应该听听专业的财务方面的建议。Students do a foundation year before specializing in their chosen field of study.学生们在开始所选专业的学习之前,先进行一年的基础学习。We have some professional soloists and an amateur chorus.我们有几名专业的独唱演员和一个业余的合唱队。Her boyfriend was a political science major at Berkeley.她男朋友是伯克利大学政治专业的学生。It's important to keep up-to-date with the literature in your field.跟踪阅读自己专业的最新文献非常重要。She was in graduate school, studying for a master's degree in social work.她在研究生院攻读社会福利工作专业的硕士学位。Most of the staff specialise in the care of children.多数员工都掌握专业的儿童保育知识。Successful applicants will have a master's degree in social work.应聘者须持有社会工作专业的硕士学位。Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments.面对动物实验,哪怕是生物专业的大学生也会畏缩。The experienced specialist has professional skills and insight.这位经验丰富的专家具有专业的技能和洞察力。He went on to earn a PhD in astronomy from the University of Maryland.他继续攻读马里兰大学天文专业的博士学位。I hope the book will provide a foothold for students of the subject.我希望这本书能让本专业的学生打下基础。You squashed him because you are the professional presenter.你是专业的节目主持人,把他噎得说不上话来。The Council is united in its resolve to maintain and develop standards of professional management.委员会团结一致,决心保持并发展专业的管理水平。Graduates in IT earn most, and those in education earn least.信息技术专业的毕业生赚钱最多,而教育学专业的毕业生赚得最少。There is a great deal to learn from Hal's expert approach.从哈尔专业的处理方法中可以学到很多东西。She is very unhappy and needs some serious/professional help. 她现在很郁闷,需要正式/专业的心理辅导。The matter ranges more broadly than considerations that are appropriate for the more specialized purview of this book.这个问题涉及面更广,而这本书是在较为专业的范围内加以探讨,因而这个问题不是这本书应该考虑的。In recruiting students to Computer Systems Engineering, the University looks for evidence of all-round ability.在招收计算机系统工程专业的学生时,这个大学看重的是学生的综合能力。Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund.斯威夫特说,生物科技领域的投资人越来越精明了,这也为我们获得一个更专业的投资基金提供了机会。You need professional help.你需要专业的帮助。She is an aficionado of art alright, but her level is that of a dilettante.没错,她的确很喜欢绘画,但她的水平是不够专业的




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