例句 |
To the listener, this music is incoherent and formless.对于听众来说,这乐曲不连贯,而且杂乱无章。She spoke with the abruptness of a person whose feelings had gotten the better of her.她不能自己地、不连贯地讲著。The video appeared choppy and jerky.视频画面看上去既不连贯,又不停抖动。He was chuckling himself into incoherence.他只顾咯咯笑,连话也讲不连贯了。Can you look back and see a well-defined path, or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure?.回顾过去时能看到一条清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?She tended to write in short choppy sentences.她总写出一些不连贯的短句。 |