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词汇 hunters
例句 The hunters hid by the stream and waited to pick off deer as they passed.猎人们躲在河边,等着射猎从这儿经过的鹿。Escape being impossible, the stag turned to confront the hunters.因不可能逃跑,牡鹿就转过身来与猎人对峙。The ad criticized hunters for clubbing baby seals.这则广告谴责用棍棒击杀小海豹的捕猎者。The campaign says that hunters are the moral equivalent of murderers.这一运动宣称,在道德层面上捕猎者等同于杀人犯。Bisons used to roam through the American Great Plains, but most of them were slaughtered by hunters.从前野牛在美国大平原上漫游,但是大多数都被猎人屠杀了。The hunters lost the tiger's trail in the middle of the jungle.猎人们在丛林中央找不到那只老虎的踪迹了。There is a campaign against those hunters who mercilessly slaughter baby seals.一场反对那些残酷屠杀小海豹的猎手的运动正在展开。The hunters stalked their prey.猎人潜行追踪猎物。The deer broke cover as the hunters approached.猎人接近时,鹿从躲藏的地方跑了出来。Exhausted and hungry, the hunters finally gave up the chase.猎人们又累又饿,最后放弃了追猎。Too many job hunters make the classic mistake of thinking only about what's in it for them.不少求职者都会犯这种典型错误,即只关心自己能得到什么。The hunters hewed a path through the jungle.猎手们在森林里开出了一条路。The hunters stalked their prey.猎人悄悄跟踪猎物。Young autograph hunters clustered around the players' entrance.年轻人都挤在演员入口处索要签名。This is the time of year when hunters are stalking the woods for deer.这是一年中猎人们进入森林捕鹿的季节。The hunters quartered the deer.猎人们把这只鹿分成了四份。Some hunters are chafing under the new restrictions.一些猎人对这些新的限制规定感到十分恼怒。The hunters skinned the deer they had killed.猎人们将猎杀的鹿剥了皮。Bargain hunters will do their homework before choosing a holiday.买便宜货的人会提前做好功课,选择合适的节假日出手。When the game was started, the hunters let the dogs slip.当猎物惊起时,猎人们纵狗追赶。The hunters bagged five deer altogether.猎人们一共捕获了五只鹿。Animals in the cat family are hunters.猫科动物都是捕食动物。The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.猎人们花费数小时追捕猎物。Rich widows became the great game of fortune hunters.有钱的寡妇们成了财产追逐者的主要目标。The hunters tried to smoke the foxes out of the den.猎人们试图用烟把狐狸从洞里熏出来。Castle-hunters won't be disappointed with the Isle of Man.马恩岛不会让城堡探寻者失望的。Some pocket hunters worked on the theory that pockets always occurred in groups of three.有些寻矿者相信矿囊总是三个三个地成群存在。The hunters moved in for the kill.猎手们逐渐围上去,准备捕杀猎物。The hunters had to beat a path through the underbrush.猎人们得在矮林丛中披荆斩棘,辟出一条路来。Owls are skilful hunters.猫头鹰是捕猎能手。In the story, the cunning fox outwits the hunters.在这个故事里,狡猾的狐狸智胜了猎人。The hunters camped near the top of the mountain.猎人在山顶附近扎营。The fox succeeded in eluding the hunters.这狐狸成功地避过了猎手。The hunters used spears.猎人用矛捕猎。Plentiful wild meat and fur-bearing animals had enticed many hunters into the forest.大量可提供肉食和皮毛的野生动物吸引了许多猎人进入森林。The hunters just got a peep at the deer before it disappeared into the woods.猎人们刚瞥见一头鹿,它便消失在林子里了。Away ran the deer, with the hunters in hot pursuit.鹿跑了,猎人紧追不舍。Animal rights activists and fox-hunters clashed at the annual Boxing Day hunt.在每年一度的节礼日猎狐时,动物权益保护者与猎狐者发生了冲突。The hunters trespassed on the farmer's land.猎人们擅闯了农民的土地。Sailors are amazingly efficient souvenir hunters.水手有弄到纪念品的出奇本领。




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