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词汇 不诚实
例句 He was accused of dishonesty.有人指责他不诚实Burrows denied that members of his election staff had been involved in dirty tricks.伯罗斯否认他的竞选班子中有成员牵涉到不诚实的伎俩里。I admire honesty, so it would be a cop-out for me not to be straight myself.我推崇诚实,所以我自己若不诚实就是背叛了。They openly accused her of dishonesty.他们公开指控她不诚实The government's response seems to have been at best confused and at worst dishonest.政府的反应往好里说似乎是糊涂,往坏里说就是不诚实Would you go so far as to call them dishonest? 你会竟至于说他们是不诚实的人吗?He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the Cayman Islands.他和开曼群岛的一些不诚实交易有瓜葛。He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.他已经认识到不诚实是没有好报的。People on welfare are often wrongly characterized as lazy or dishonest.领取福利救济的人常被错误地认为是懒惰或不诚实的。He seems nice, but he's dishonest at heart.他表面上很好,实际上并不诚实He deserves all he gets for being so dishonest.他这么不诚实,真是罪有应得。Elderly people sometimes unknowingly make huge sums of money over to unscrupulous business advisers.老人们有时会不知不觉地把大笔资金移交给不诚实的业务顾问。Companies should protect employees who blow the whistle on dishonest workmates and work practices.公司应该保护那些检举不诚实的工友及工作行为的员工。A few dishonest players have given the sport a bad name. 一些不诚实的选手败坏了这项运动的名声。Any kind of dishonest dealing will ruin his career.任何不诚实的交易都会毁了他的事业。My warnings about Jean-Paul were later borne out by his dishonesty.让·保罗不诚实的行为证实了我先前的警告是正确的。The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.该公司被指控有不诚实的会计行为。It was dishonest of him to suggest that he actually had a degree from Oxford - he was just there for one term.不诚实地说他确实拥有牛津大学学位,实际上他仅在那里读了一个学期。By your dishonesty you've cheapened yourself in everyone's opinion.你为人不诚实,使自己被众人看不起。He was dishonest, but he was the only bad egg in the group.不诚实,不过团队里只有他这一个坏蛋。The company was using disreputable hiring practices.公司使用了不诚实的手段雇用员工。I don't think he's dishonest, but I question his judgement.我不认为他不诚实,不过我质疑他的判断。It is dishonest to lie about one's age.虚报年龄是不诚实的。The report accuses both politicians of dishonesty and of misrepresenting the facts.报道指责这两位政客都不诚实,并且歪曲事实。He was surprised by the child's deceitfulness.他对这个孩子的不诚实感到惊讶。His whole expression denoted deceitfulness.他的整个表情都显示出他的不诚实She accused the government of dishonesty and incompetence.她指责政府不诚实且无能。A person is guilty of theft if he or she dishonestly obtains property.一个人如果以不诚实的手段获取财物,那就是犯了偷盗罪。It would have been unfair to accuse him of dishonesty.如若指责他不诚实,那会有失公允。The student behaved dishonestly, submitting coursework that was not his own.这个学生不诚实,交上来的课程作业不是他本人做的。People can sense when someone isn't being honest.人若不诚实,总会被察觉。I can only express absolute disgust that any public official would act in such a dishonest way.政府官员行事竟然如此不诚实,对此我只能表示十分的厌恶。She doesn't want to buy a used car because she's worried about being had by a dishonest salesman.她不打算买旧车,因为她担心被不诚实的销售人员算计。Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers.不诚实的进口商将会能够把从顾客那里收取的增值税据为己有。Her methods play into the stereotype that lawyers are dishonest.她的几种方法印证了律师都不诚实的成见。The chairman's decision is disturbing, and smacks of dishonesty.主席的决定令人不安,有点不诚实的味道。This housing law would be a charter for dishonest landlords to cheat their tenants.这条住房法规就等于容许不诚实的房东欺骗租客的通行证。He was first of all an extremist secondly he was pretty dishonest.首先他是一个极端主义者;其次他很不诚实Such dishonesty goes against the grain.如此的不诚实有违个人的本性。What happened to him should serve as a warning to all dishonest politicians.他的下场应让所有不诚实的政客引以为戒。




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