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词汇 annual
例句 The town's beer festival is an annual event.镇上的啤酒节是每年都举行的一项活动。At our annual ceremony we had a whole constellation of movie stars and directors.在我们的年度庆典上,影星导演济济一堂。Many companies operate regular job appraisals, often on an annual basis.许多公司定期对雇员进行工作鉴定,通常是每年一次。The annual disbursements exceed the income.年支出额超出收入。Following discussion, the annual report was accepted unanimously.经过讨论,年度报告获得一致通过。The review body has produced a truncated version of its annual report.该审查机构出版了其年度报告的节略版。The outgoing chairman was ambushed by reporters after this year's annual meeting.即将离任的董事长在今年年会后遭到记者的拦截采访。The group concluded its annual summit meeting today.今天该集团结束了其年度峰会。In the reserves of Zimbabwe and South Africa, annual culls are already routine.在津巴布韦和南非的保护区,每年的选择性捕杀已成惯例。We always go to the annual school reunion.每年一次的学校聚会我们总会参加。The Trust's annual meeting has decided by a narrow majority to ban deer hunting.国民托管组织的年度会议以微弱的多数票决定禁止猎鹿。She won the annual competition two times back to back. 她接连两次赢得年度竞赛。Crop yield correlates closely with annual rainfall.农作物的收成与年降雨量有密切关系。We pay performance bonuses that augment your annual salary.我们支付工作表现奖金,这就增加了你的年收入。The annual rate of inflation fell.年通货膨胀率下降了。When Alfred Nobel died, an annual peace prize was established in his memory.艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔去世后,为了纪念他而设立了一年一度的和平奖。We all go to my parents' at Christmas for the annual gathering of the clan.我们圣诞节都要到我父母家参加一年一度的家族聚会。He addressed the annual Republican convention.他在共和党年会上讲了话。Mr. Watson's annual income is US$20,000.华特生先生的年收入为两万美元。Pensioners get an annual increase in line with the cost of living.领取养老金者每年的养老金随着生活费用的增加而增加。Employees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days.职员一年可享受十五天带薪的假期。The opposition leader announced that he would not be putting his name forward for re-election at the party's annual conference.反对党领袖宣布,在党的年度大会上他不会提名自己再次参选。The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today.由主要工业国家组成的七国集团今天结束了其年度峰会。We receive annual bonuses at the end of the year.我们每年年底拿到年终奖金。The tree has an average annual growth of almost a foot.这棵树平均每年几乎长高一英尺。The CEO resigned last week after a disappointing set of annual results.由于令人失望的年度财务状况,首席执行官上星期辞职了。We recommend an annual service for all central heating boilers.我们建议对所有中央取暖锅炉进行每年一次的检修。The annual school/company picnic is this weekend.这个周末是每年一次的学校/公司野餐活动。The company dramatically slashed its forecasts for annual profits.该公司大幅降低了年度利润预测。These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的余利。She will be the guest of honor at the annual banquet.她将是年度宴会上的贵宾。The organization held/hosted its annual conference in New York this year.这个组织今年在纽约举行了年会。For the sixth consecutive year, Oxford defeated Cambridge today in the annual boat race.在今天举行的一年一度的划船比赛中,牛津大学连续第六年击败了剑桥大学。The hotel passed its annual inspection.旅馆通过了年度检查。Employees receive an annual increase in salary.员工每年涨一次薪水。What's the average weekly/monthly/annual budget for a family of five?一个五口之家平均每周/月/年的家庭预算是多少?Each worker receives an annual bonus.每个员工都可获得一笔年度奖金。This figure approximates to a quarter of the UK's annual consumption.这个数字接近英国年消耗量的四分之一。The fact remains that the annual loss of life on the world's roads is enormous.事实仍是每年在全世界公路上丧生的数字巨大。Our Visa Card is guaranteed to be free of annual charges for the first twelve months.我们的维萨信用卡保证第一年免年费。




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