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词汇 不管怎样
例句 He will tell the truth, no matter how it cuts.不管怎样伤感情,他要把真实情况讲出来。I didn't get seasick either way.不管怎样我都没晕过船。 For good or evil, she is his wife.不管怎样,她是他的妻子。Yes or no? Give me an answer one way or the other.同意还是不同意?不管怎样,给我一个答案。Despite everything, Elizabeth's human side keeps breaking through.不管怎样,伊丽莎白还是不断显露出其作为普通人的一面。Somehow, we need to drum up some new business.不管怎样,我们需要兜揽一些新业务。No one expected house prices to fall, but anyway that's exactly what happened.没人预料到房价会跌,但不管怎样那确实发生了。I must have fallen asleep at that point. Anyway, the next thing I knew, the phone was ringing.我那时一定是睡着了。不管怎样,接下来我能记得的事就是电话响了。It was probably too late to say sorry, but she would try anyway.道歉也许太晚了,但不管怎样她还是想道个歉。One way or another, I'm going to go to Europe.不管怎样,我会通过某种途径去欧洲的。Well, at any rate, the next meeting will be on Wednesday.好了,不管怎样,下次会议将在星期三召开。It's most unlikely she'll miss the bus and, in any case, she's got enough money for a taxi.她不大可能会错过公交车。而且不管怎样,她有足够的钱去坐出租车。It's possible that she was too nervous to pay close attention. At all events , she does not have all the details quite right.她可能是因为过于紧张而没能聚精会神。但不管怎样,她没有把所有的细节答对。One way or another, I'm going to make it.不管怎样,我将会成功的。So help me, I'll get revenge.不管怎样,我要报仇。They both agree with me – well, at any rate, Maggie does.他们两人都同意我的意见,不管怎样,麦琪是同意的。I'm not much good at making speeches, but anyway here goes.我不善于演讲,但不管怎样我这就试试看。I'm sorry I've been so bad-tempered lately. Anyway, thank you for being so understanding.我最近脾气不好,很对不起。不管怎样,谢谢你这么能谅解我。We are pressing on regardless.不管怎样我们都将坚持下去。Either way, it's going to be expensive.不管怎样,都会很贵。One way or the other he always seems to win.不管怎样他都好像总能赢。He will be here tomorrow, whether or no.不管怎样,他明天会来这里。It seemed an impossible task at times, but we carried on, regardless.这任务有时看起来好像不可能完成,但是不管怎样我们还是继续下去了。She didn't want to commit herself one way or the other.不管怎样,她都不想明确表态。So I figured, what the hell, let's give it a try.我觉得不管怎样,我们先试试。We must, somehow, find a way to loosen the bonds of tradition.我们不管怎样都必须找到摆脱传统束缚的途径。They will probably bump you off anyway!不管怎样他们很可能会干掉你!We'll support you, come what may.不管怎样,我们都会支持你。Well, who gives a toss about sophistication anyway?.嗯,不管怎样,谁会在意高雅时髦呢?There may be difficulties but I shall carry on regardless.可能会遇到种种困难,但不管怎样,我将继续干下去。Anyway, they took it into their heads to get married.不管怎样,他们突然心血来潮,决定结婚。I know what he said wasn't strictly accurate but I let it pass anyway.我知道他说的并不十分准确,但不管怎样,我没有去追究。They had somehow to come to terms.他们不管怎样总得达成协议。We'll probably come to visit you next week, but in any event we'll telephone you.下星期我们可能来看你,但不管怎样,我们都会打电话给你。Your help will not always be appreciated at first, but plunge in anyway.最初你的帮助并不都会得到感激,但是不管怎样,投身进来吧。I won't have no use for it anyhow.不管怎样我不会再需要它了。Whatever you do, don't look for a pay increase when you know the company is going through some difficulty.不管怎样,在知道公司遭遇困境时不要指望加薪。In any event, the bowling-alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.不管怎样,保龄球餐馆最终证明是很受欢迎的。Either way, there is no obligation on the Government to take any notice of the findings.不管怎样,政府都没有义务去关注这些发现。It should be noted, however, that no one was injured in the accident.不管怎样,应该指出的是没人在此次事故中受伤。




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