例句 |
The danger is that people who pay their bills on time will be lumped in with those that don't.危险的是,按时付账单的人和不按时付账单的人会被混为一谈。Make sure you avoid getting overtired or missing meals, when at all possible.尽可能避免过度劳累或不按时吃饭。Any client who doesn't pay on time goes on our blacklist.凡不按时付款的顾客都会列入我们的黑名单。If I don't get home in time, Mom will tar and feather me.如果我不按时回家,妈妈就会严惩我。If you don't pay your credit card bill on time, you'll get socked with a huge late fee.如果你不按时支付信用卡账单,你就要缴纳一大笔滞纳金。 |