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The new candidate is a political infant.新候选人在政治上还不成熟。Users tend to vote down any rude or juvenile comments. 用户们对于粗鲁或不成熟的言论倾向于点“踩”。It was seen as a rather crude attempt to destabilise the government.这次试图瓦解政府的行动被视为相当不成熟。I don't like young lamb as immaturity means little taste and lack of texture.我不喜欢羊羔肉,因为发育不成熟就意味着缺少滋味,也没有嚼头。I didn't want to make things worse by coming up with half-baked notions.我不想提出一些不成熟的见解而把事情搞得更糟。He implied that we were emotionally immature.他暗示我们情感上还不成熟。They are an embryo party of government.他们这个政党有望组建政府,但目前还不成熟。He knew that he had behaved childishly.他意识到自己的举动很不成熟。Carol's lapses into strong language only made her sound immature.卡罗尔讲起了粗话,这只会让人觉得她还不成熟。His dreams were senseless and inchoate.他的梦想根本行不通,很不成熟。She was annoyed by the childishness of his behavior.她对他行为举止的不成熟感到恼火。She is emotionally immature.她情感上不成熟。She's just being childish and immature.她只是有点孩子气,不成熟。 |