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The multinational enterprise optimizes productive resources, market opportunities, and talents beyond and across national boundaries.这家跨国公司最高效地利用了国内外生产资源、市场机遇以及人才资源。His films have always blurred the boundaries between fact and fiction.他的电影中事实和虚构总是难以区分。Electronic information knows no boundaries.电子信息没有边界。In today's globalized world, telecommunications have broken down boundaries.在今日这个全球化的社会里,电信已经打破了地域局限。His policies appeal across party political boundaries.他的政策感召力超越了党派政治界限。Politicians drew strangely shaped boundaries, in order to give themselves an advantage in the next election.政客们把边界划得很奇怪,为的是使自己在下一届的选举中更具优势。Neighbours approached their boundaries from opposite sides and made merry together.邻居们从对面来到他们这边,一起尽情欢乐。My childhood boundaries were strictly defined.我的童年时代被严格界定。It seemed to me that he had transgressed the boundaries of good taste.在我看来他有伤大雅。A fence marks the property's boundaries.一道篱笆标出了地界。The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.历史和轶闻的分界向来是模糊而混乱的。The two countries are in dispute over boundaries.两国存在边界争端。She had never strayed beyond the city boundaries.她从未出过这个城市。The storing of data in relation to certain machine-dependent boundaries.按照与机器相关的某种边界关系储存数据。Her humour often crosses the boundaries of good taste.她开玩笑经常开过头。My admiration for him knows no boundaries. 我对他无比崇拜。There are over 1,000 miles of public footpaths within the national park boundaries.这个国家公园内有一千多英里的公共小径。These problems cut across class boundaries.这些问题影响到阶级界线。Redrawing district boundaries would change the election results.重新划分辖区边界会改变选举结果。They have redrawn the country's boundaries along ethnic lines.他们已经按照民族界线重新划定了国家的边界。The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.历史和说书的界线一向是模糊不清的。The two countries are in dispute over the boundaries of their coastal waters.两国在近海水域分界线上尚存分歧。Child abuse cuts across all economic and racial lines/boundaries. 虐待儿童是各经济体和种族面临的共性问题。This is a disease that knows no boundaries.这种疾病到处肆虐。With the advance in science, the boundaries of human knowledge are being pushed further out.随著科学的发展,人类知识的范围在不断扩大。In her performance she had clearly overstepped the boundaries of good taste.很显然她的表演品位流于庸俗。Commentators see increasingly blurred boundaries between firms engaged in such collaborative relations.评论员看到,处于这种协作关系的各家公司之间的界限越来越模糊。His passion for the arts knows no boundaries.他对艺术无限热爱。You need to set boundaries with your children.你得给孩子们立个规矩。They're pushing the boundaries of traditional French cooking.他们不断突破传统的法国烹饪技艺。Did he violate the boundaries of the doctor-patient relationship?他违反了医患关系准则吗?The boundaries in the area remained to be delineated.这一地区的界线尚待划定。Akbar extended the boundaries of his empire in the north and to the south.阿克巴把他在北部的帝国的边界向南扩大。This crosses the boundaries of acceptable conduct.这一行为超出了可容忍的范围。They have pushed back the boundaries of medical research.他们拓展了医学研究的领域。Drug traffickers operate across national boundaries.毒贩进行跨国贩毒活动。Many folds are the result of rocks being crumpled at plate boundaries.许多褶皱是岩石在板块边缘受挤压扭曲而成的。There has been a constant expansion of the city boundaries to keep pace with a growing population.城市的边缘在不断外扩,以配合人口增长的需要。There used to be a lot of disputes over land boundaries but nowadays such problems scarcely ever arise.以前地界纠纷频繁,但这种问题现在几乎没再发生。This goes beyond the boundaries of what is accepted.这超出了能接受的界限。 |