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词汇 locals
例句 The caféwas popular with locals, and not with the more respectable locals at that.那家咖啡馆很受当地人欢迎,不过不包括当地那些更有身份的人。The brawling between the England fans and locals last night went on for several hours.昨晚,英格兰队球迷与当地球迷之间的打斗持续了好几个小时。The locals get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive.当地人每年都聚到一块儿,使他们古老的传统传承不息。The speeding motorist was pinned to the ground by angry locals who took the law into their own hands until police arrived.愤怒的当地人以暴代法,将超速司机按在地上,直至警察赶来。At harvest time all the locals lend a hand.收获时节所有当地人都来帮忙。We asked one of the locals to recommend a restaurant.我们请一位当地人推荐一家餐馆。That's what the locals call the place.本地人就是这么叫这个地方的。Most locals are disgusted by the anti-foreigner violence.大多数当地人对反外国人的暴力行为很反感。A good rule to follow when traveling is to do as the locals do.旅游时要遵守的一条好规则就是入乡随俗。It is advisable to mug up on your Spanish, too, as few locals speak English.你最好能突击提高一下你的西班牙语,因为当地没多少人讲英语。Many locals dressed in period costume for the celebrations.庆祝活动中,许多当地人身着体现特定历史时期特点的服装。Several locals appeared distinctly unamused by his remarks.几个当地居民看上去显然没有被他的话逗笑。The locals are fed up of being buzzed by military jets.当地人厌倦了军用喷气式飞机在头顶低飞掠过。They found the locals getting legless on tequila.他们发现当地人喝龙舌兰喝得酩酊大醉。The locals are very welcoming.当地人非常好客。The bar had a bad name and was avoided by all the locals.这个酒吧名声不好,当地人都不愿意去。He knows enough German to converse with the locals.他掌握的德语足以与当地人交谈。Some locals offered food and clothing to the refugees.一些当地人为难民们提供食品和衣服。Plans for the motorway caused quite a stir among locals.建造高速公路的计划在当地居民中激起了相当大的愤怒情绪。If you get lost just ask one of the locals for directions.如果你迷失方向,可向当地人问路。Several locals disaffiliated from the national union.几个地方工会退出了全国工会。The locals are hospitable and welcoming.当地人热情好客。It is doubtful whether Tweed, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.尽管特威德能说一口流利的法语,他是否能被当作当地人还很难说。The locals were a very staid lot.当地居民非常保守。One of the locals showed me the way to the post office.一位本地人给我指点去邮局的路。It is doubtful whether Ted, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.尽管特德能说一口流利的法语,但他是否会被当成当地人仍值得怀疑。Ireland boasts beautiful beaches, great restaurants, and friendly locals.爱尔兰拥有美丽的海滩、很棒的餐馆和友好的当地人。One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military.他们中间的一个人登上了小讲台,开始跟当地人讲军队为什么应该允许招募同性恋者。Twice a year locals clean up the mess visitors leave behind on the beach.当地人一年清理两次游客们丢在海滩上的垃圾。The locals say the villas are haunted.当地人说这些别墅里闹鬼。The brawling between the England fans and locals last night went on for several hours.昨晚,英格兰球迷和当地球迷的冲突持续了好几个小时。Developers were met by angry locals protesting that the land was theirs by right.开发商遭到愤怒的当地居民抗议,说那片土地按理是他们的。Women have to dress modestly, to avoid being harassed by the locals.女士穿着应当庄重,以免受到当地人的骚扰。Most locals know how to treat injury from stingers.大多数本地人都知道被箱水母刺伤后该如何处理。That's what the locals call the place.当地人就是这么叫这个地方的。The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds.当地居民过去被鼓励设捕捉器捕杀这种鸟。To make the bland taste more interesting, the locals began perking it up with local produce.为了使这淡而无味的东西更有味道,当地人开始加些土特产调味。He preached the Gospel to the heathen locals from this spot.他从这里向当地不信教的人们宣讲福音。The tourists snigger at the locals' outdated ways and dress.游客们偷偷地取笑当地人落伍的做法和衣着。The café is popular with both locals and visitors.这家咖啡馆很受当地人和游客的青睐。




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